Author Topic: Eagles at the Dump  (Read 1035 times)


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Eagles at the Dump
« on: October 27, 2018, 19:33:49 »
They're back, but weren't in a flying mood this morning. They like the dump a lot, sometimes there are as many as 15 hanging around. They seem to fly more when the big trucks are unloading, but there weren't any of those today.  I've got some images of juveniles flying which I will post later. Not as interesting, as the juveniles lack the striking coloration of the adults.

The bird on the left is perched on the valve for one of the methane collection wells. The methane is collected from a number of these wells scattered throughout the landfill and is used for power generation.


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Re: Eagles at the Dump
« Reply #1 on: October 27, 2018, 20:32:24 »
Tighter crop on the bird on the well.