Author Topic: Nikon D3, D700 on PB-5 Bellows unit.  (Read 1946 times)


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Nikon D3, D700 on PB-5 Bellows unit.
« on: April 02, 2018, 00:56:00 »
If this has been covered elsewhere I apologize, i am trying to make certain that I have all my bases covered with putting together a bellows unit primarily for slide duplication and close up work later on. my main concern is getting the camera attached properly too the bellows, I have seen about every conceivable configuration using tubes and rings. I want to know from the people I trust with these things, my fellow Nikon Gear members, what works best and stays closest to the specs off the original bellows unit and lens configurations. I know the PB-5 was less than ideal choice of the bellows units but I was putting this together on a budget. Also any tips you would care to instill would be much appreciated as well. Dan 


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Re: Nikon D3, D700 on PB-5 Bellows unit.
« Reply #1 on: April 02, 2018, 01:18:50 »
I have the PB-4 bellows, the D3 will only fit using a PK-3 (27.5mm) and a PK-1 (8mm) tube to space the body away from the mount.  I think a D700 should fit by turning the bayonet to portrait orientation, mounting the body then turning it to landscape orientation.

Sorry, I can't speak for PB-5 bellows.

Your choice of lens is more of an issue.
Robert C. P.
South Cumbria, UK


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Re: Nikon D3, D700 on PB-5 Bellows unit.
« Reply #2 on: April 02, 2018, 04:59:25 »
Presuming the D700 can be mounted(I also have only the PB-4)to the PB-5 and that the D3 can't w/o extension tubes, the D700 would be the better choice.  Not having the extra extension will give you more freedom in choice of lens.
Keith B., Santa Monica, CA, USA


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Re: Nikon D3, D700 on PB-5 Bellows unit.
« Reply #3 on: April 07, 2018, 01:51:56 »
So you already have the PB-5?
if so, then as Seapy said, the D700 will mount if you begin in the portrait orientation, mount the D700 and then rotate to landscape orientation.

I got tired of doing that on my cameras(D300 and D800E) so I found a 'sacrificial' extension(PK12 - 14mm) specifically to leave attached to the my bellows(PB-4) to fit the camera with a bit less hassle. Obviously it's removable and hence can be used elsewhere if needed, but I leave my bellows setup connected to the PK12 for ease.

I dare say that the PK13 - 27.5mm may be required to easily mount the D3(due to it's grip). I have a grip for my D800E, which is a bit larger overall than a D3 .. never mounted it that way tho, just the bare D800E on the PK12.

My reasoning for getting the PK12, other than it was cheap! .. is that if I'm going to the trouble to use the PB-4, I'm usually looking for more extension than the PK12(and or PK13) alone, so it's additional extension to the bellows is not so much a disadvantage at all, but in fact an advantage.

If you haven't yet acquired the PB-5, then a PB-6 may be the better option, purely for the D3 .. or the PB-4 due to it's ability to 'tilt/shift' the lens too.
That's why I chose the PB-4 over the PB-6 .. the tilt/shift feature of the front standard.

Note tho that I was very patient in finding the right one at the right price. Took me about 2 years of waiting, searching(mainly ebay, but other second hand stores too, such as KEH) for a very good one to surface at a good price.

Bent Hjarbo

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Re: Nikon D3, D700 on PB-5 Bellows unit.
« Reply #4 on: April 07, 2018, 02:24:23 »
The PB-4 and D800 works fine, a stated be start in horisontal mode