Many thanks, Mongo, Fons and Mike.
I'm not sure that it would be possible to crop the top of #2 without losing too much - the far dunes are essential to the image. Use the clone function of the scanner to eliminate the vegetation?
Having tried various crops since Akira and Simone commented, it's not easy to find a crop that is any better than full-frame. And I have "tidied up" some vegatation; just a little.
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Fons - I wish I knew how!
Beautiful exposures drawing out the colour, textures and shadows in a masterly way. Love the framing and must say the unusual colour of #1 is quite an additional drawcard for that image . . .
PS- The top/bottom/sides of any repetitive pattern image like these will always cause some dilemma . . .
A very generous comment - I have just scanned a second take of the pre-sunup image; it has a tiny bit more at the top of the frame which just might give me a better crop. We'll see.