20 or 30 rolls of MF film per day?!
How many frames in a roll?
I thought that shooting with MF was a more deliberate, slow process.
It must have been very expensive also in terms of running costs; I imagine one would have the film processed in a professional facility, not a consumer one.
I was talking about my years of professional use of the Pentax 67. I generally would have an art director or designer with me, and could not possibly run out of film if we were more than a couple of hundred metres from the car; it would have looked so unprofessional; so I always carried a safe margin. But I used the 67 exactly as though it was a 35mm.
With the 67 you got *10 frames on a 120 roll* (Erik!), or 20 on a 220 roll. By the time I switched to digital, the cost of film and processing was more than 50P per frame; ie. shoot 2 exposures and you had spent over £!.00 - it could get quite expensive.
David - I forgot about the weight of the pentaprism - that really was a heavy camera.
Erik - of course I don't mind, especially when they are stunning shots like these. I never had the monster 400, but I had the 300 f4 ED - that was a lovely lens too. Actually I had quite a good range of lenses - 30mm fisheye, 45, 55, 75, 105 f2.5 (their "fast" lens), 165, 200 and 300; but I soon slimmed down a bit, losing the 55 and 200.