This happens all the time :-)
I am almost home after a ten - twelve hours walk in the woods or up in the mountains.
And all the sudden, the orchid I have been searching for all day without luck! Just one plant, these are increasingly rare where I live --
people want new homes, not nice orchids and green forests ...
The 40cm high Greater butterly orchid is not easy to take photos of.
And thats why I am shooting Nikon D750, it is eight in the evening, almost dark, still D750 manages to autofocus on them tiny flowers!!
You see I cant do manual focus, I have an eye illness, I really dont see well in the finder, I do have to trust the AF.
I had no flash, and no tripod, sorry about that, using my 105 micro VR, I shot at 2000 asa handheld :-)