Author Topic: D200 Raw setting issue?  (Read 2417 times)


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D200 Raw setting issue?
« on: May 22, 2017, 05:42:35 »
I noticed lately my D200 set at RAW and yes I hit the OK button it's set at RAW.
I shows jpg and RAW when I open my card files.
Any explanation why or what I can do tho fix this issue?
Thank you.

Bent Hjarbo

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Re: D200 Raw setting issue?
« Reply #1 on: May 22, 2017, 09:57:41 »
There is a setting where is record both RAW and JPG files, maybe that is the reason.

Les Olson

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Re: D200 Raw setting issue?
« Reply #2 on: May 22, 2017, 10:08:00 »
All NEF files (and AFAIK all other manufacturers' RAW files) have a small-basic quality JPEG embedded in them, created using camera settings, which is what you see if you view the images on the LCD, or on the computer without using a RAW converter, or in the case of Lightroom in the Import process.  When you process the images the JPEG is updated to reflect editing changes, and in the case of some software replaced by a higher quality version.   

Is that what you mean?  If so, you can't remove it and you can't not have it. 

David H. Hartman

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Re: D200 Raw setting issue?
« Reply #3 on: May 22, 2017, 12:43:49 »
Is that what you mean?  If so, you can't remove it and you can't not have it.

I'm quite sure this is correct but I think one may be able to control the size and quality of the embedded JPG preview with some cameras. Also there was something to do with Nikon Capture NX2 that the NEF files would increase in size when a larger or higher quality preview was embedded on saving the NEF with CNX2.

I set my cameras to shoot NEF plus JPG large and fine. Then I turn off NEF + JPG. Touch silicon, I think this creases a full size, high quality embedded JPG Preview. If I need JPG(s) I extract them with Instant JPEG from RAW a freeware program.

Dave Hartman
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Re: D200 Raw setting issue?
« Reply #4 on: May 22, 2017, 16:43:45 »
On the D200, as with most (if not all) Nikon DSLRs, you can have just NEF,  just JPG,  or  NEF plus a JPG in one of a number of preselected resolutions & compressions.

The D200 manual is still available for download here:

It gives details of how the different image file types may be chosen for the D200. 

Finally, the D200 can accomodate up to 32GB CF cards  -  not that this information is in the manual  -  so that storing a NEF plus a JPG for each image is not out of the question storage-wise, but it will take a little longer to write to the card.  The NEF can then be used for final development if the JPG does not suffice.  The storage choice is of course a function of your preferred workflow approach.
Hugh Gunn


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Re: D200 Raw setting issue?
« Reply #5 on: May 22, 2017, 21:22:40 »
So now that I posted this it is now loading  NEF or RAW files only like I set it at yesterday.
But still set at only RAW yesterday it was loading both files on Capture NX-D now it's fine..
Weird? I will keep an eye on it and reply if something reappears.
Thanks guys.