On the other hand, this image in question looks like the blown-out part of the red channel being rendered in green.
Would over saturated red flip to green? Could a small loss of data cause this?
Could the computer be low on memory or virtual memory? I had problems with CaptureNX2 with the JPG preview being corrupted due to a lack of RAM.
When I first tried out my then new D800 I loss several inconsiquential test exposures as I was using Nikon Transfer that probably shipped with my D300s. The look was quite different from the sample shown.
I recently had a problem with ViewNXi on Windows 7. The cache was corrupted for just one photo. It was previewed as an almost totally desaturated image. It appeared fine in CaptureNX-D so I quit VNX-i and deleted it's cache and DB folder.
Any program that acting strangely may come around if it's cache is cleared. Clearing browser cache can fix a problem with a site that's had upgrades. I save Photoshop preferences Incase there get corrupted. That saves deleting them and setting up the preference from scratch.
I hope the problem isn't the camera itself.