As far as I know, mirrorless ILC sales are currently declining at a comparable rate as DSLRs (CIPA 2016 vs. 2015). Nikon and Sony are affected by lack of availability of Sony sensors due to the earthquake, so sales data do not only reflect demand but also lack of supply. Canon reported an 8% increase in their ILC sales thanks to succesful DSLRs the 80D and 5D IV. I suspect Canon is partly benefiting from Sony's and Nikon's misfortune but they have also made great products. After the production problems have been solved, sales data should more accurately reflect demand. Perhaps in 2017 or 2018 we can revisit CIPA data.
Nikon has made several outstanding products this year (D500, D5, 105/1.4, 19 PC) but their consumer products seem to be in trouble. DL is not out yet, compact camera sales in decline, and highly criticized launch of Keymission. Personally I am very happy with Nikon's DSLR and lens products of recent yearsw and it is a pity that they are not doing so well in the consumer sector. I think it is excellent that there is now more choices for the photographer; in the early years of digital cameras, options were much more limited. I hope Fuji, Olympus, Sony, Pentax etc. all stay in the business.