Author Topic: [IR] Autumn brackens  (Read 797 times)

Bjørn Rørslett

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[IR] Autumn brackens
« on: August 17, 2016, 13:41:30 »
A recent set of captures of Bracken  Pteridium aquilinum, a fern species with a cosmopolitan distribution in different races. In the Nordic countries, only the nominal race exists.

These all were captured with my ancient Fuji S5Pro (broad-band camera) using the 16 mm f/2.8 Fisheye-Nikkor AIS (CPU-enabled and modified to have <0.2m near limit). This is a very nice combination as I can shoot "blind" without looking in the finder at all. The S5Pro only has a very limited and ineffective LiveView thus LV is no option for focusing and composing. I fell back on the routine first instigated with my D1IR many years ago: shoot first, look later.

The brackens at this island on the southeastern coast had entered their first stage of autumn colour display, thus the fronds started to appear slightly variegated in colours. A month later they would have reached peak colours, but my vacation ended long before that moment in time, unfortunately.

Although the main subject is identical for all three captures, and the distance between each frame was just a few metres, the outcome needn't be similar at all.


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Re: [IR] Autumn brackens
« Reply #1 on: August 17, 2016, 21:00:49 »
Blind shooting might bring an unexpected and pleasant surprise. It also feels kind of a liberating form of photography. Since the result often is abstract and otherworldly it is well suited approach. Love the colors and the harsh contrast.