Author Topic: Fallow Field Poppies + Startled Deer + Rhodesian Ridgeback "Teagan"  (Read 2049 times)

John G

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Taken while out walking the dogs, A wet period with high winds, There was a few minutes when the Cloud thinned and the sun shone through. Everything in the field reflected that moment.
The Deer was captured on the same walk. The dogs knew it was in hiding, got down wind of it, and it came out across my path. It was a lacking image for sharpness, so I indulges in a experiment to recover a image. The paint effect seemed to work.
It would be a little rude not to include one of the dogs "Teagan" whilst meeting her needs, the opportunity came to capture these moments.   
John Gallagher

Frank Fremerey

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Very appealing "olden" colors in the first two.
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John G

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Hi Frank
             Thank you for your comments, I am not sure how to interpret " Olden ". It is not a term I am familiar with.
              The first picture for me is a reminder that getting out and interacting in all weathers are opportunities where very useful scenes can be found,
              when the weather is telling you to stay at home. If it were not for the dogs, I would not have ventured out.
              I was very glad to have the bin liner in the coat pocket.
John Gallagher

Bjørn Rørslett

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Knowing Frank, 'olden' is probably a  new creative word by combining 'golden' and
'old'. Very appropriate though a bit unfamiliar, unless your native tongue is amongst those languages allowing making new on-the-fly expressions.

Personally I think the first two came out very well, effects or not.

Frank Fremerey

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John. Olden iirc is a word built from old + golden ... so good times passed or nostalgic or in the current
retro fashion some mixdown of a digital image that looks like film...
You are out there. You and your camera. You can shoot or not shoot as you please. Discover the world, Your world. Show it to us. Or we might never see it.


Frank Fremerey

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PS the movement of the deer in shot two is a perfect moment.
You are out there. You and your camera. You can shoot or not shoot as you please. Discover the world, Your world. Show it to us. Or we might never see it.


Jakov Minić

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Golden images if you ask me  ;)
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The flower field is fantastic

I have found a few deer while walking and never got anything close to what you were able to capture, seems I never bring a long enough lens when I see them :)

Did Teagan run after the deer ?
Armando Morales
D800, Nikon 1 V1, Fuji X-T3


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Three good images, but the first is very appealing to me indeed - its sharp central band and the gentle roll off of sharpness in the foreground and background are very nicely managed.  Colours are nice as others have commented.
Hugh Gunn

John G

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Thank you for your comments. I was leaning towards Older Style in my thoughts about what Olden could mean. I nearly got there.
I have not had a camera club attendance in 2015/16, so my images have not been entered for judgement for more than a year, so am very pleased with this opportunity, to share with a group who thoroughly enjoy photographs.
I don't encourage the dogs to take a pursuit of any animal, but when they are out and off the leash, they know more about the environment than any person could ever wish to know. So if a animal is laying up in cover they will have a good look for it. The usual safe way is to be vocal calling the dogs, it is a useful alarm to layed up animals, giving them a chance to move on. I was walking through soaking wet waist high growth towards the dogs in the distance. The deer broke from the cover into a patch of short growth, just as I arrived, the Camera and MF lens was all set to capture the dogs activities, I still failed to get a sharp image, so I played with a paint effect to see if a image could be produced to enhance the scene.
John Gallagher


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I really love the poppies :) A field of red flowers are not a familiar sight for me.

Jan Anne

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Interestingly the first and third images don't show for me, probably due to the fact they are 36MP and 16MP files  :o :o

Uploading images at 1200 pix at the long end is enough for forum use, a little more isn't a problem but please don't overdue it.
Jan Anne

Bjørn Rørslett

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To elaborate on Jan Anne's comment: it serves no useful purpose to keep the original file pixel dimension, then lower jpg quality into the really low range in order for the file size limits to be met. That gives just a lot of poor quality distributed over a senseless massive number of pixels. The perceived image quality will be needlessly substandard.

The recommended procedure is to reduce pixel dimension into 2000x1300 or 1200 x 900 or something in that area, then process your file to look its best at that size when shown up to 100%.  Sharpening is an important part of the game. You probably can be able to upload a file with jpg quality at or near maximum quality.

Andrea B.

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The limit on file size is 2560kB per file.
(I'm not sure where this setting came from?)

Last time I tested, I found an image of approximately 1200 px width and 800 px height to be viewable on an an expanded browser on a 15" screen with no sidebars without getting a resize from the forum software.