Author Topic: The downsizing challenge - Part 1: The Problem  (Read 12923 times)

Andrea B.

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Re: The downsizing challenge - Part 1: The Problem
« Reply #60 on: May 27, 2016, 18:27:53 »
In the olden days, we were taught to hold off on resharpening until resizing is complete. But I like to clean up my raws at full size - including sharpening - so I had been saving the cleaned up raws with sharpening included. That necessitated removing sharpening before resizing - in theory. However, in practice - me being the lazy person that I am - I usually did not remove sharpening before resizing. So it was nice to learn that that for landscapey photos it doesn't matter.


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Re: The downsizing challenge - Part 1: The Problem
« Reply #61 on: May 29, 2016, 20:23:40 »
A lot depends on how spatial frequencies are distributed in the image. Natural scenes have a spectral density very close to a power law, i.e. they have a quasi-fractal nature where if you zoom in, you see an image that has again a similar distribution of spacial frequencies.

By contrast, a facade of a building might have a few very low frequencies and one very high frequency. A vast expanse of the frame might be occupied by this very regular pattern. Applying too much sharpening at that scale before downsizing will therefore increase the likelihood of getting a weird interference pattern.

Another thought: the anti-aliasing filters in some cameras are weaker than they probably should be. When using a very highly resolving lens, the image appears sharper than from a comparable sensor with strong AA filter not because there is more information, but because the contrast at very high spatial frequencies is high. Actually you are just baking false detail into the capture. This might explain some of the crunchiness. Moderately blurring the image prior to down-sampling might improve the visual appearance.
Simone Carlo Surace

Andrea B.

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Re: The downsizing challenge - Part 1: The Problem
« Reply #62 on: May 31, 2016, 22:30:14 »
Please GOTO Part 2 now because this thread has gotten rather long. Thank you.

Part Two:,3690.0.html