But as Erik is probably right even the "in focus" parts here are not biting. So the 105VR does not shine in this discipline while it was really nice in the Tomatoe thread.
Interesting. So can you or Erik say whether you think it's the optical qualities of the 105VR that are stopping you getting the quality you want, or is it
- Not being able to acquire sharp focus quickly enough, or
- Subject movement affecting the image more than usual because of the magnification involved?
Yes to both.
Difficult to see what is shot with what lens when you don't clearly state what you have used but ramble about various lenses in the posts Frank.
Depth of field with these sharp lenses is not what counts, depth of focus is much more important and as stated the eyes as always...
Your way to low in shutter speed IMHO so I would go into various kinds of illumination, LED panels large softbox I suggest again, they simply can't know if there is one or two suns...
It seems the road is long... Is it worth it... I hope it pays well!