Author Topic: [SOLD] Rodenstock Heligon 95 mm f/1.4 in F-mount with CPU [Norway]  (Read 2583 times)

Bjørn Rørslett

  • Fierce Bear of the North
  • Administrator
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  • Posts: 8252
  • Oslo, Norway
I simply have too many Heligons and similar exotics floating around and it's time to simplify the inventory a bit.

The lens comes with 52 mm thread mount to which a K2 is attached and makes it mount to any Nikon DX/FX camera. The K2 is CPU-equipped so you get metering with all modern Nikons and the EXIF data is correct (focal length = 95mm, f-number = 1.4, lens type = G). The lens lacks a focusing helicoid like all the other high-speed Heligons, but using the 52 mm threads you can add K4/K5 or other kinds of extension to change focus if required.

On a mirrorless camera the 95/1.4 might focus much farther away, but no guarantee as to its imaging quality in this scenario.

The lens is used, but glass is very clean. There is no fungus or element separation.

The actual lens shown here, but without the current F-mount configuration. It is big and heavy and I expect shipping will not be cheap. If any member attending an NG Event such as the upcoming one in Scotland either is interested to buy, or can act as a proxy for another party, I can bring the lens with me and thus eschew shipping costs.

Asking USD 275 (+ shipping). Payment with PayPal or bank transfer.

Bjørn Rørslett

  • Fierce Bear of the North
  • Administrator
  • ***
  • Posts: 8252
  • Oslo, Norway
It appears that a certain Spanish gentleman just has joined the Heligon Club. Congratulations and looking forward to seeing the results in due time..