Hello, I discovered your site while browsing for first impressions of the D5 I have on order. I'm living on the border of the Geneva Lake (Switzerland). I'm an amateur photographer with a main interest in action / sport photography (I do also some landscape and macro/focus stacking photography). I'm a longtime Nikon photographer having started with F2's and F4's. It was a rather calm period, photographically speaking, at the beginning of the digital era; I went to DSLR in 2009 with a D90; followed by a D610 in 2013 and back to 24x36 in 2014 with a Nikon D4s. I have still some AIs lenses but most of the old lenses have been renewed, which enables me to cover focus lengths from 16mm to 600mm (all Nikon). I'm very happy to join this community. Christian alias MFloyd