Author Topic: Greetings and plans for the New Year  (Read 3778 times)

Bjørn Rørslett

  • Fierce Bear of the North
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  • Oslo, Norway
Greetings and plans for the New Year
« on: December 31, 2015, 14:09:07 »
hi there, all of you NG'ers flocking to our re-emerging Nikongear site during the last 6 months of 2015. It has been an unprecedented success story. People from all walks of life around the globe have joined. Amazing numbers of quality photographs have been posted, heaps of insights presented, and while the debates might run with intensity, derailing and other issues appear to be a rarity. Many old acquaintances have been refreshed and new personal and network relations created. We have had wonderful and creative NG Gatherings and more events are to take place next year.

For all of this the NG Team extends its thanks to each and every one of you, members and supporters alike. The NG concept is based on a collective undertaking and participation from all parties involved. As far as the site is concerned, we are all peers. The efforts of everyone are important in building and consolidating our site to the mutual benefit of the entire NG community.

The success has its drawbacks though. We are about to outgrow our shared hosting plan and now look into a dedicated server to handle the traffic and improve response. This change in hosting is likely to take place soon. Our site running costs increase tenfold and hence we ask anyone willing to ensure NG continues to provide a friendly and low-noise haven in a sea of internet static to sign up for a NG subscription. We are not in any financial trouble by far, but need to think in a longer-term perspective to secure the running of the site.

All the best wishes for a healthy and creative New Year 2016 from the entire NG Team:

Bjørn, Jan Anne, Jakov, Erik, and Andrea

Bjørn Rørslett

  • Fierce Bear of the North
  • Administrator
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  • Posts: 8252
  • Oslo, Norway
Re: Greetings and plans for the New Year
« Reply #1 on: January 03, 2016, 21:58:28 »
Oh, forgot the ubiquitous greeting card :D

Rage Against the Machine, or Festivity by Automation?