Author Topic: Adobe Faces Harsh Backlash After Removal of Features and Stability Issues Plague  (Read 18970 times)


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For me, the big advantage of PM is its speed at all its tasks, particularly when importing and reviewing photos.

Here is Adobe guru Scott Kelby on the speed advantages of PM over LR.

Here is Zack Arias

Both these references are a few years old, but I have heard nothing to suggest that the speed equation has moved in favour of LR.

PM cannot do face detection. 
Anthony Macaulay

Jørgen Ramskov

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I can clearly see the advantage for sports shooters (the Scott Kelby article). The Zack Arias video doesn't seem to play here?

From what I understand from various other sites, the major advantage is how fast it is and indeed LR is slow at importing. I don't add much meta data (I'm just an amateur) or take that many photos. The advantage to me would be to use PM for importing, naming and sorting my photos, limiting the number of images I would import into LR. I'm basically never in a hurry, so while import speed is nice, it isn't critical for me. I'm personally more interested in seeing more usage of OpenCL or Metal to speed up rendering while editing photos in LR.
That said, I downloaded PM and will give it a try.
Jørgen Ramskov


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A bit of Bashing......

1- LR sucks big time
2- C1P Rocks
3- PM the fastest kid on the block

My workflow is to check overall shoot in PM, ingest and process in C1P and retouch in PS.

C1P color render and streamlined tools make working a breeze.

C1P added this unique tool which for people like me is awesome and only available in high end video software.
Check this out....

Drooling optional  8)

P.S. I have no need for GPS tagging as I have their private numbers  ;D

Jørgen Ramskov

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1) Why?
2) How noise reduction in C1P these days? I used it quite some time ago, but switched to LR, one of the reasons was shitty noise reduction.
Jørgen Ramskov


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1-Why? Because LR lost it's way.
They are cramming everything in there and it behaves like a merger of PS and Bridge.
It is slow, unfriendly and most of all the color rendition is not at the same level of C1P.
LR is borrowing PS functionality and in this case, why not use PS which does a better job.
Camera tethering sucks as well. In C1P you view the scene before hitting the shutter whether on your camera or in C1P window. You can even control it from an Iphone or Ipad if you like.
C1P color control is a whole new ball game.

Try C1P again. It is a one month free download.

2- I very very rarely touch Noise Redution in C1P but I can tell you that the tool has been revamped with the addition of a "Detail" slider on top of Luminance - Color and Single Pixel.
Most of my photography is at max ISO4000 and it is very well handled to the extent that I have to look for it as the files in C1P are clean.
In the extreme event of having a noisy pic. I use either Noise Ninja or Nik. But as I said, I have very little use for Noise reduction.

Jørgen Ramskov

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I agree with much of what you say. It's certainly not fast, which is why I for a long time have hoped they would implement OpenCL support would most certainly make the app much snappier. You could certainly argue that people could simply use Bridge and PS instead, but those are huge programs that can do everything. I've never learned to use PS, it's always seemed too big for me. LR is much more limited and it can more or less do what I need.
I don't use tethering, so not an issue for me.
The color controls makes my head spin :) I have never quite managed to wrap my head around handling color, perhaps I should go read a book sometime...

And last: Hasn't LR has always been a bit like a merger of PS and Bridge?
Jørgen Ramskov

John Geerts

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Yes, LR started off as photo processor and image organizer. But agree with Almass, it has become a very strange 'program'.


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Yes, LR started off as photo processor and image organizer. But agree with Almass, it has become a very strange 'program'.
I'm too close to Lightroom to realize how it has become strange;  It still processes and organizes.
If you are referring to Book, Slideshow, and Web...I keep those turned off.  I never see them.
Library, Develop, Map, and Print seem to work fine.
Keith B., Santa Monica, CA, USA


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Swiss knives have pros & cons, and worshippers & haters. I'm just a user, and I am pleased by those features I use (catalogue, keywords, pic processing). It is indeed slow
- at import : I don't care, doign just a few pics a time
- at display : bad. I often shoot 2-3 times per pic (precaution for MF imprecisions and camera shake, using low speeds most of the time). In that case, being able to quickly eliminate the worst ones requires quick switching. Too bad. So indeed, for culling, an alternative like PM sounds good.
Airy Magnien