Author Topic: Seeking advice: Adapter for mounting an exakta/auto topcon lens to nikon F or Z  (Read 2131 times)


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Hello all,
I do have an opportunity to buy a topcor 58mm 1.4 lens with exakta/auto topcon mount. Does anyone have experience in mounting such a lens to a nikon z or f ?
If so, which one works and doyou recommend.
Thanks in advance


  • Cute Panda from the East...
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be careful, the cheap chinese adapter may not be the best and will scratch your lens :o :o :o


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I had found this one:
They don’t offer a adapter to Z mount yet.
To my knowledge, fotodiox makes good adapters.
However, I am not sure if it will work. They also offer a Exakta/auto topcon adapter to canon eos. But it does not fit the 58mm 1.4 lens  (the seller did have one of those adapters). Yes, I could take the risk but I thought to ask first. There is such a wealth of kmowledge among the members here.

Birna Rørslett

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The Exa-F adapter linked to incorporates a meniscus lens to correct for infinity focus. Not ideal in terms of aberrations.

I have several Exacta-mount lenses (Noflexar 35/3.5) that I adapted to Nikon F by removing the original bayonet and replacing it with a thin F mount. Those F-mounts can be found on early F accessories such as the E/E2 rings etc.  Infinity focus was retained as far as I can remember.


  • Cute Panda from the East...
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its the fotodiox one that scratched my lens :o :o :o

get KF, they are the better cheap chinese brand ::)


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I know some people at the Fotodiox headquarters in Illinois, USA. 

All of their adapters are made in China.

Fotodiox does not claim to make the highest quality adapters.  They consider their adapters to be of average quality and price.


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Thanks for the advice and comments. I may try to change a bayonet one day but i want to try it with a very cheap lens first. So I decided not to buy the topcor and wait for a rokkor 58mm 1.2. The guy in the store had a beautiful piece but was not ready to sell it yet. Same for a noct 58mm but that one is too expensive anyway.
The 58mm would be a perfect fit with the nikon-N 35mm 1.4 and the nikon 105mm 2.5 for documentary work.

Kim Pilegaard

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I bought a Pixco Exakta-Nik Z adapter.

After tightening the screw that holds the lever for locking the lens, it works. However, it is a quite tight fit.


  • NG Member
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I bought a Pixco Exakta-Nik Z adapter.

After tightening the screw that holds the lever for locking the lens, it works. However, it is a quite tight fit.

Thank you. That is good to know