Author Topic: Laptop Advice Please  (Read 2033 times)

David H. Hartman

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Laptop Advice Please
« on: September 21, 2020, 01:22:21 »
I've been trying to get an old Core i3, Linux Mint Cinnamon laptop to a usable state and the available software just isn't working.

My workflow is Nikon Capture NX-D to Photoshop CS2 via a TIF. Now I'm thinking I'm going to have to bite the bullet and by a new laptop computer, I really want a MAC Book Pro but don't have $2500.00 give or take for one that would please me.

I'm considering a Windows computer with a Core I7, 16GB ram and a 0.5 TB SSD.
Must have a lighted keyboard and I don't want a touch screen,
Costco here in the US has and 90 day return policy and local return.
I might be able to swing $1,400.00 for the purchase.

I'm considering these...

I really appreciate any guidance!

Dave Hartman
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Bent Hjarbo

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Re: Laptop Advice Please
« Reply #1 on: September 21, 2020, 09:36:00 »
Is a used MacBook a possibility with the economy?


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Re: Laptop Advice Please
« Reply #2 on: September 21, 2020, 11:58:13 »
Maybe checkout a gaming laptop.
Hugh Gunn

Jack Dahlgren

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Re: Laptop Advice Please
« Reply #3 on: September 21, 2020, 23:00:22 »
My company has worked out a set of laptop configurations which we think are most important to digital creators (this includes photographers). Many of the manufacturers have responded with laptops which meet these requirements.
Take a look at what is out there.

David H. Hartman

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Re: Laptop Advice Please
« Reply #4 on: September 22, 2020, 07:42:25 »
Thank you for the replies. I hope I can do something fairly soon. Both of the computers I'm looking at use NVIDIA GeForce GPU(s).

I have some time with a couple of MAC book pros and I like them. The one I'd like is about $1,200.00 USD out of my reach.

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Steven Paulsen

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Re: Laptop Advice Please
« Reply #5 on: September 25, 2020, 04:02:27 »
I have been using a pair of older Dell Lattitudes. (E6530, E6430, both with quad i7's.)

The only real drawback is the native video card does not directly support 4K. (I can get 4K with a custom resolution @ 30, refresh rate.

In the US, a good cond, used unit is only $2-300.00. Add a ssd and replace the optical bay with a 2nd hard drive adapter. With the older style dell dock, I am able to drive 3 monitors, 4 using the notebook screen.

In an earlier life, I was one of the Mac's biggest fans. Apple's migration to a social media based operation system and OS updates made it impossible to use as a graphics machine.

Back in the 90's I ran Photoshop v3, on a power pc mac. When they nixed all software that ran on 10.6 and earlier, I abandoned ship with pleasure.

Instead of a Macbook Pro, you can you can use the same money on a used, fast PC, and a refurbished or new Nikon Df.

Just my $.02.

David H. Hartman

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Re: Laptop Advice Please
« Reply #6 on: September 26, 2020, 06:42:17 »
Steven, thank you for the information. I'll check into GPU(s) used in laptops to see if they support 4K display. I don't own a 4K display at this time but as prices come down I'd like to get one.

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Steven Paulsen

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Re: Laptop Advice Please
« Reply #7 on: October 09, 2020, 21:15:52 »
For Dell, Lattitude and Precision models 4K resolution is native on 4th generation "i" processor models. My current knee burner notebook (3gen.) has a 3740qm, i7, is quite fast and I am shooting 16-36mp, nef files. These models also support a cellular sim card.

The only 4K display in my house is the family room television. I am fine with 2 - 1080's on my desktop rig. It works quite well. There is nothing wrong about upgrading or the joy of a new computer, camera lens, man toy, etc.

Note, that I am running Adobe Lightroom, "standalone version/no updates, 6.14 and an ancient version of photoshop. If I were back in the biz a modern notebook is a lot more essential for client approval/"look successful, yada yada.

The now, $4000. MacBook Pro. I really need this because it will make my photography 100 times better.