Author Topic: Cannot decide between two lenses - help needed :)  (Read 4745 times)


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Re: Cannot decide between two lenses - help needed :)
« Reply #30 on: May 29, 2020, 19:45:16 »
Assuming my copies of the 28/2.8 AiS and the 28/2.8 Ai are exemplary, I have noticed that the earlier Ai exhibits a much more pronounced decline in sharpness as you look from the center to the edge of the 24x36 frame, compared to the relatively even performance of the AiS model. This is evident at all object distances, including infinity focus. Stopping down helps, but does not eliminate the difference.
If even side-to-side sharpness is not at issue, I prefer the color/contrast rendering of the Ai model.
Keith B., Santa Monica, CA, USA