Author Topic: 35mm Lens Recommendation - ANY Mount  (Read 19305 times)


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Re: 35mm Lens Recommendation - ANY Mount
« Reply #30 on: September 30, 2019, 07:35:00 »
I have been checking in, haven't been responding as plenty of information is being shared for me to look into so i haven't felt the need to comment unnecessarily.  I'm not in a rush to get a 35, and with the multitudes of mounts possible, the sea of choices is vast. 

I will be testing out the Laowa 12/2.8 + Shift Converter in a few days and have been a bit preoccupied with shift possibilities, which I've never had, so the Nikkor 35/2.8 PC piqued my interest . . . if I decide not to go PC, I am leaning towards the Zeiss 35/2.

Thanks for all the responses btw, I have not deserted! ;)


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Re: 35mm Lens Recommendation - ANY Mount
« Reply #31 on: October 01, 2019, 03:42:13 »
Even my old 16MP Fuji APS-C cameras are very demanding of adapted lenses;  Most of the older Nikon K- and Ai-era lenses look soft on Fuji APS-C. The better of the Nikon and Zeiss ZF lenses (ZF 100/2 Makro, ZF 50/2 Makro, Nikon 180/2.8 ED AiS) are acceptably sharp on my Fuji X.  Makes one appreciate how good the native Fujfilm lenses are.

I have only confirmed that you are absolutely right, Keith.  The Nokton 40/1.4 was nice, if one looks for a focused subject surrounded by the nice bokeh with a bit of pleasing character when the lens is used wide open.  However, my sample showed uneven sharpness between f2.0 and 4.0 which was annoying.

I returned it and at the same time sold my X-E3 to purchase X-T3.   :o :o :o
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