Author Topic: From Portland Metro and Tillamook, Oregon  (Read 5010 times)


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From Portland Metro and Tillamook, Oregon
« on: January 29, 2019, 06:12:42 »
I've been an NG Supporter for a long while, but have only posted images once before, in a moment of weakness or courage, long ago in Akira's Grand Funk Railroad thread. But recently I feel maybe I ought try posting occasionally, maybe get out of my shell--perhaps Frank is right: You are out there. You and your camera. You can shoot or not shoot as you please. Discover the world, Your world. Show it to us. Or we might never see it.

I do love seeing the images shared here on NG, and though I have cameras and lenses far beyond my ability, I do enjoy taking them on weekend hikes in the country and walks in the city--when I was a child my father let me play with his Nikon F and his Bronica, and now, more than five decades later, I feel close to him when out with a camera on hikes and at family gatherings, even though he's been gone for nearly a decade. He shared one of his loves with me, and now his love takes me out on walks and encourages me to see my environment, at least a little.     

Oh, I've long lived near Portland, Oregon but have roots in California, and have spent significant time in Sapporo, Akira's hometown. If any NG members visit Portland Metro or Tillamook, feel free to connect. I'd enjoy the company...
Tim Becraft

Jack Dahlgren

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Re: From Portland Metro and Tillamook, Oregon
« Reply #1 on: January 29, 2019, 06:24:51 »
Welcome to the group. Oregon certainly has a good share of photographic subjects!


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Re: From Portland Metro and Tillamook, Oregon
« Reply #2 on: January 29, 2019, 07:01:04 »
Tim, good to hear from another in the Pacific northwest. I am up the road in Seattle.  I've visited Tillamook and the Oregon coast to the north and south.  Hope you'll post some photos - it's a beautiful part of the world.  Cheers,  John


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Re: From Portland Metro and Tillamook, Oregon
« Reply #3 on: January 29, 2019, 07:35:40 »
Welcome back, Tim!  Good to know you spend some part of your life in Sapporo!  I won't force you, but do feel free to post your images or replies whenever you feel like doing so.
"The eye is blind if the mind is absent." - Confucius

"Limitation is inspiration." - Akira

Frank Fremerey

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Re: From Portland Metro and Tillamook, Oregon
« Reply #4 on: January 29, 2019, 09:00:57 »
I am flattered, Tim. Warmest welcome to you!

My brother lives in Fremont now, works at Google, used to work in Seattle for Microsoft,,, so ,,, time will see me in your neighbourhood sonner or later ...
You are out there. You and your camera. You can shoot or not shoot as you please. Discover the world, Your world. Show it to us. Or we might never see it.



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Re: From Portland Metro and Tillamook, Oregon
« Reply #5 on: January 31, 2019, 03:39:03 »
Jack, thanks for the welcome, and if you ever make it Portland or Tillamook way, there's a welcome waiting, along with photographic opportunities I'm sure. I enjoy the images you share, and marvel at your construction projects.

John, next time you visit down road, to Portland or Tillamook, feel free to connect, 'twould be nice to meet nearby NG members. The Pacific Northwest is indeed beautiful, and I'll try to post, though I'm just a dabbler wanna photographer, and there are so many wonderful images posted on NG that I fear mine may detract  :-\

Akira, Sapporo was wonderful--my second and third sons were born in Sapporo, went to elementary school in Nishi-ku Yamanote, and I still have friends there who I'd love to visit. My second son is a translator in Japan (medical for monetary sustenance, poetry for non-monetary sustenance) as I believe you are, and my oldest is now visiting his grandparents in Hakodate and is thinking about staying, so perhaps I'll get back sometime. If you ever visit the Pacific Northwest, I'll show you around, reciprocate the hospitality I experienced in Hokkaido, if you'd like :). I'll try to post, but I'm a little shy...

Frank, I've long enjoyed your posts, and when you come to visit your brother, come on up the coast, all the way to Tillamook and Astoria, to my neighborhood. Would enjoy sharing time. Hope it's sooner rather than later.
Tim Becraft