Even you would start with JPEG, I would strongly suggest to set the cameras to "JPEG fine + RAW" mode to save the raw files for the (near) future.
This is extremely wise advice.
The pixel counts of both cameras you own are very low for today's standard, so the memory space would not be consumed very quickly.
Note that the D700 can cetainly support 32GB cards (I know as I have used such cards on my D700). I am not sure if the D700 can go above 32GB and just how big a card the D2H can support (but I suspect for the D2H it will be bigger than its instruction manual suggests).
In the case of my 12MPix D700 recording JPG fine + Raw image pairs and a empty 32GB card, you should be able to store in excess of 856 image pairs. For a 4 MPix D2H, you should be getting around 80 image pairs per GB - say 640 image pairs for an 8GB card.
EDIT: You need firmware version 1.02 or later to use 64GB cards on the D700:
http://www.photo.net/nikon-camera-forum/00VQYU(Some users report slower image display times on the D700 in respect of the larger cards, although I have not be bothered in this respect.)