I have the opportunity to purchase an Ultra-Micro-Nikkor 55mm f/2 lens.
The lens is optically clean, free from the detrimental weird problems. The filter thread is bent which I can easily repair with a thread spanner. Can't test for decentering before receiving it. No box or documents are included.
It is an E-line lens suitable for visible light, I'm looking to have one for general close-ups. It has a 1:4 reproduction ratio and 4:1 when reversed. I'm going to be using it on a D810.
I do have several questions:
1. Does it offer any definitive advantage over modern optics, such as the 50mm f/2 Makro-Planar by Zeiss? The 50mm MP goes to 1:2, has the same aperture of f/2, allows electronic coupling, and has a focusing ring. The 45mm f/2.8 PC-E lens is also a good candidate.
2. What about its performance outside of 1:4? I used to own the 65 and 100 macro-nikkors, the performance of those outside of their range is pretty poor. It's poor even within the range by my standards, being easily outperformed by line scanner lenses and apochromatic enlarger lenses.
3. Does 1:4 cover FX? My 28/1.8 UMN only covers FX when mounted in reverse, which gives a 10:1. The objective lens I have easily outperformed it, so I sold it.
Although it is cheaper than those $2000 prices on fleabay, it's still not $200 kind of cheap. Maybe I could get it, repair it, have a play, and then sell it for a higher price? I did that with the umn 28mm I used to own.
Any suggestions is appreciated, thanks!