Greetings to all, and I’m glad to be part of such a great forum.
I’m returning to serious photography after a 20 year break for a career and raising my sons. I continued to take photos all those years, but mostly family snapshots and not much more than entry level DSLRs and kit lenses. Last time I was a “serious amateur” the Nikon F4 was the latest and greatest camera that I longed for but couldn’t afford.
Fast forward 20 years and now I now I finally own an F4.....for which I gave the princely sum of $200 for a MIB body!
I stumbled across the forum after reading Bjorn’s reviews of Nikkor lenses. I’m also a big, big fan of my Nikon Df so I enjoy reading about that camera here as well.
I have a mix of old MF Nikkor as well as recent autofocus lenses that I really enjoy using. In addition to the Df I have a D500 that I use for wildlife and BIF (awesome camera!) and a growing collection of older Nikon film cameras to include the previously mentioned F4 as well as an F3 and F2AS. They all have a place in my rotation, and having a mix of modern and classics makes this hobby much more rewarding this time around.