This little roe-deer female was in our field two nights ago. She was well down the bottom end of the field so I needed a long lens - ran back to the house, ran upstairs, picked up my 200-500 and ran all the way back to a point where I could see most of the field without breaking cover myself. She had moved even further off but even so she sensed me and her head came up and she stared straight at my hiding-place.
Now we come to the point of all this - there was nothing to lean on and my hands were shaking badly after all that running; I fired off two shots before she ran, and I assumed I had got nothing usable but when I looked at them on my (computer) monitor, they were both good and sharp.
The attachment is a very heavy crop from one of the two images - only about 15% of the original file. The VR on that lens really does work! The exposure data for the original image was 250th, f5.6, 400iso and the cropped file makes a very nice 45cm print, printed at 180ppi.