I updated to ViewNX-i 1.2.7 and it seems much improved. I have processed through thousands of images without crashing or weird behavior. Previously when I would delete an image it would move the cursor away from the thumbnail strip so I had to reactivate it by clicking on an image before it would let me move from one image to the next after deleting an image.
So far looks very good!
I have not yet tried the new version of Capture NX-D.
I updated to v1.2.7 also, but, only to be current. I don't use any of the Nikon software because I just don't like it. I keep it on hand, just in case I suppose, but I haven't opened any of it in years. It's really too bad that Nikon can make great hardware and not match that with great software.
I'm not making any claims about which editing program is the best, there's more than one capable post processing program, with new ones coming out regularly. Much of it comes down to personal choice. There are some folks that put considerable effort into finding alternatives to PS and LR for no more reason than they're pissed off at how Adobe has moved to subscriptions for it's software. Personally, I like PS/LR, which doesn't mean that I wouldn't like other programs. What it does mean, in my case, is that PS/LR work for me, and I don't care to learn every other program that hits the market just so that I can replace one that's serving me well and that I already like. I do like, and use, plugins that expand my use of PS/LR.
Then again, there are some people that want to try out every new program that they find, and I see nothing wrong with that, it's their time, trouble, and expense involved, not mine. Maybe it's a personality thing, for example there are certain foods that I like prepared in a certain manner, and I do not care to experiment with alternate preparations, just to be different. To some folks, I'd be missing out on a new experience, and to me I'd be avoiding an adulteration of cherished recipe.
The last group are the folks that want everyone to use what they use, certain that everyone will like what they use more than any other program. We hear a "Oh, you
must try blah blah". But see the above paragraph, not everyone agrees on everything, not that these folks get that. Many people think that there's something wrong with people that don't like goat cheese, and I'm one that doesn't. They also think that there's something wrong with people that like Limburger, and I'm one that does. Different strokes for different folks.