I rarely used the 24-85 vr until Jacques P. started posting images in B&W/colour of Istanbul using it on his Df. Decided to give it another go, my results are not as good but the lens is better than many older lenses (not all) .
This is a lens I regret, not because I sold it, but because my daughter was burglarized lately and my (ex) D700 and some lenses, mostly AF D's were stolen. As she was a bit shocked (and being the other photographer of the family) I gave her my D3x and some lenses, among which my 24-85mm AF VR (because I had just bought the 24-120mm f/4 VR)!
As almost everyone, a travel towards new horizons gets me thinking what to pack ?
For Mongolia it was the 35mm f/2D, the 50mm AFD and the 85mm f/1.8 D with the now lost D700.
For Venice with the D3x it was the same set of lenses.
For Istanbul with the family it was the 24-85mm VR (I had also the non-VR model before but found the VR one much better optically), but for my other visits of Turkey (Istanbul, Izmir, Fethye) I used the 28mm f/2.8 Ais and the 135mm Q and the 50mm f/2 Ai, another time only the 50mm f/1.8 G (for ten days)!
Nowadays when I visit a french city with my students it's the 24-120 VR coupled with the Df (I've got used to it's weight and bulkiness) but I still think using the 28mm Ais, the 85mm Ai or maybe the 105mm f/2.5 Ais along with a 50mm f/1.8 Ais ...
When on holidays on the Island of Porquerolles I also pack the 70-300 VR And the 105 Micro VR for bugs.
If hard pressed, i think I would choose the 28mm Ais and the 85mm AI as the sole lenses to take, one in the pocket the other on the camera. I don't think I would miss much opportunities with these two rugged and small lenses. If I had big pockets I would also take the 105mm f/2.5 Ais, just for pleasure