Author Topic: How to manage forum publications when upgrading LR version? Advice appreciated  (Read 2848 times)


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I keep struggling with photo publishing and LR software upgrades. Every time  I upgrade LR  I loose the links with my Zenfolio folders that I use for publication. That is fine with just a few photos but not for folders used for forum publications. I quickly loose track of what has been published and what has not. As I have a tendentieus to keep my photo collection streamingdienst, I end up with accidental remover of photos that have published before. Therefore I am looking for a productieve way for forum publishing.

It might be just my stupidity causing these issues so I am curious what your preferred way of werking is. In other Words: how do you manage your forum publications through subsequent lightroom upgrades?

Thanks for your help.



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I have recently started uploading from Lightroom to Flicker and then pasting the Flicker image url into my forum posts.  I haven't noticed any issues with the forum post images but I will review that.

Previously I used the somewhat primitive method of doing a screen grab of the  image in Lightroom to the desktop then uploading that to Flicker.  Basic but pretty reliable, I only had one image give trouble.

Thanks for raising it.
Robert C. P.
South Cumbria, UK


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Dutch auto spell checker at work, Peter.

I don't keep track of actual hyperlinks in my photo database, but tag my photos with the thread title, like e.g. a THEME thread here on NG.

Doesn't get me there automatically, but i can use the search function of the forum or site and usually quite quickly find back the pictures. But, at least, i know which photos have been posted on which forum or site.

Hans Cremers


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Thank you.
Hans: Thanks for the alert. I do not like those auto-corrections.