Author Topic: Here comes the sun - frog waiting for the early morning warmth of the sun  (Read 703 times)

Randy Stout

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This female green frog was waiting for the sun to come over the trees.  You can see the sun in her eye.

GH4  100-400  156mm  f/9  1/60s hand held

Advice and comments always appreciated.




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Beautiful! The eye and area around the eye are in perfect focus. Was that your focus point?


  • Homo jezoensis
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  • Tokyo, Japan
I say, it's all right.

As always, well composed.
"The eye is blind if the mind is absent." - Confucius

"Limitation is inspiration." - Akira

Randy Stout

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  • Posts: 458
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Thanks Arthur and Akira:

Arthur:  Yes, my focus is almost always on the eye, however, sometimes I will move the focus point slightly post. of the eye to give the best distribution of DOF.  But in general, if the eye isn't sharp, nothing else matters!

