No, I do not develop my own film, although there are kits available for doing E-6 processing. My film goes to a lab. The film is both the negative as well as the positive, and is "reversed" in the developing process, which is why slide film is also known a 'reversal film", and what was in the camera is what I get back in the slide mount.
when I first began photography in 1977, I shot print film, but on the advice of my first mentor, switched to slide film to learn about exposure.
However, there were a few shots I made in those days that required scanning to put them on-line, and so I took the print negatives, mounted them in slide mounts, scanned them and using a feature in Photoshop (Image>adjustments> invert ) that turned the negatives into positives which could then be manipulated with the software.
I hope this answers your questions.