Author Topic: Happy L  (Read 3636 times)


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Re: Happy L
« Reply #15 on: June 27, 2017, 06:11:40 »
Mongo, the expression was cracking indeed. The last mono is still not OK for me. Maybe I should rent the 58/1.4 G and re-do the shot ;)
Thanks Armando; it looks like the colors are a plus in this case, see Frank's post. Especially the contrast between warm tones (background) and cold ones (foreground)
Airy Magnien


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Re: Happy L
« Reply #16 on: June 27, 2017, 10:27:28 »
Airy, Mongo is very interested by your comment. What is it about the last mono that you feel the 58/1.4G would do better ? could it not be done by some additional post processing on the existing image ??


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Re: Happy L
« Reply #17 on: June 27, 2017, 10:47:52 »
Nervous bokeh. The Voigt 58/1.4 is not bad in that respect, but still... as pointed out in another thread, it overcorrects spherical aberration in the background, leading to bokeh outlining. The Nikkor may be better here.

I am not good enough at PP to get rid of that effect. The last BW output involved three masks for various purposes, but I'm not quite there. In fact, I'd have liked to reduce clarity rather than contrast, but did not find the right way.
Airy Magnien


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Re: Happy L
« Reply #18 on: June 28, 2017, 00:11:31 »
thanks Airy - understood.


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Re: Happy L
« Reply #19 on: June 28, 2017, 20:41:18 »
You can tell right away that she is a trained dancer: posture, muscles and tone. The expression captured is so endearing.
   I thinks the post is not working for me totally either. May be the lighter background in relation to her or the strong presence of the other person in the frame. It does take away the pleasure of being in that moment with you two but it doesn´t make it easygoing image wise.

   I´m always hoping my English and opinion makes sense.
   That smile!

David H. Hartman

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Re: Happy L
« Reply #20 on: June 28, 2017, 21:43:57 »

Great expression and posture! I would not worry about the bokeh as no one should notice unless that's all they look for bokeh alone in a photograph. The subject should distract attention from such a mundane detail. Now if you are in the market for a new 50-60mm fast lens that would be different.

On my computers L's legs and the right side of her face are too cool. I'd try setting the WB for the shaded areas of the photo and let the background go warm.

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Re: Happy L
« Reply #21 on: June 28, 2017, 23:08:21 »
You can tell right away that she is a trained dancer: posture, muscles and tone. The expression captured is so endearing.
   I thinks the post is not working for me totally either. May be the lighter background in relation to her or the strong presence of the other person in the frame. It does take away the pleasure of being in that moment with you two but it doesn´t make it easygoing image wise.

   I´m always hoping my English and opinion makes sense.
   That smile!

I agreee that this is a snapshot, and both the pose and the smile got priority. Laureline is a self-control freak (as some stage artists would be), and those rare moments when she gets a girlish expression on her face are simply worth capturing because they are seldom. It would have been impossible to stage such a shot, or to redo it after having chased away the other protagonists...

Then again, the problem is to make the image worthwhile for "third parties", hence my attempts to dissolve the background and enhance the smile, the left hand, the little black dress and the legs (emphasized given that they were nearer to the camera). More masking ahead.
Airy Magnien


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Re: Happy L
« Reply #22 on: June 28, 2017, 23:18:53 »
Sorry Airy, it should read:

  It does not take away the pleasure of being in that moment with you two but it doesn´t make it easygoing image wise.

   It came out harsh and it was not my intention neither my opinion.


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Re: Happy L
« Reply #23 on: June 28, 2017, 23:20:29 »

Great expression and posture! I would not worry about the bokeh as no one should notice unless that's all they look for bokeh alone in a photograph. The subject should distract attention from such a mundane detail. Now if you are in the market for a new 50-60mm fast lens that would be different.

On my computers L's legs and the right side of her face are too cool. I'd try setting the WB for the shaded areas of the photo and let the background go warm.


Dave, I agree that the bokeh is a minor trouble compared with the two ladies and their backpack.
Concerning the WB, I hesitated a lot (my monitor is calibrated, so your perception matches my intentions, or unability to decide). First thing is, arms and legs are in the shadow, but her legs are simply less suntanned (Northern France is not California). So it would make sense to harmonize those tones in PP. Question is, what's the target.

I know that cooler skin tones are generally not appreciated. One reason might be the association of tan with healthy, successful, "in" young adults (older ones would even get orange-colored). On the other hand, pink / magenta is a more common target color for infants (responsible parents do not expose kids to blazing direct sunlight). My impression was, the "girlish" expression would ask for pink, rather than tan. In the end I left auto WB settings alone. Still, the mismatch between arms and legs, while reflecting reality, is somewhat disturbing. Maybe I should consider an intermediate solution, using proper masking (warmer legs, cooler arms, re-balanced face).
Airy Magnien


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Re: Happy L
« Reply #24 on: June 28, 2017, 23:22:21 »
Sorry Airy, it should read:

  It does not take away the pleasure of being in that moment with you two but it doesn´t make it easygoing image wise.

   It came out harsh and it was not my intention neither my opinion.

Golunvolo, thanks for correcting, but it was not even needed : what you meant was absolutely clear, and my internal autocorrector worked instantly. Thanks again for your comments.
Airy Magnien