Looking at Photographs
John Szarkowski
Museum of Modern Art, New York, 1973
This book presents 100 photographs from 100 photographers across a wide range (of genres, of photographers, of countries, of eras). All photos are from the MOMA collection. The author writes a page about each photo. The writing is straightforward. (Black & white photos only because the author thought that colour photography deserved its own space.)
50 Photographers You Should Know
Peter Stepan
Prestel Publishing, Munich/London/NewYork, 2008,2011
This book contains an entry for 50 different photographers together with one or more examples of their work. The write-up is about each photographer and their place in the history of photography rather than about the specific photographs. (Has a small number of color photos near the end.)
Best way to enjoy these books, I think, is to browse them. Find a photo you like - or don't like! - and read about it. Find a photographer you like and learn something about him/her. From the write-ups you will get a little history, a bit of critique, some insights about why certain photos or photographers are valued, and some insights about what a particular photographer was trying to accomplish in their work.
I've really enjoyed these two books and learned a lot from them, so I hope that someone else might enjoy them also.