First, I've not been up to the top of Haleakala, I've only seen it from the lower elevations of Maui, thus I was not aware of the views from the summit. I had no idea that Mauna Kea could be seen so clearly from your position, and this thread, with your explanation, it clears up some confusion here.
I was puzzled by shot in the first Haleakala thread, because it showed peaks that looked to be higher than it, and I didn't recall any such peaks on Maui. So, the space between your position on Haleakala and those peaks is compressed in the photo to the point of being all but invisible, and it looks to me like those peaks are right next door to Haleakala instead of miles away on another island entirely.
None of this is a complaint, I enjoyed the shots, but I was surprised by the compression in the image, it fooled my eye.