I got into photography around 13, shooting with a Nikon film body. Later on other pursuits took priority and I didn't have regular access to a darkroom anymore. Zoom ahead to 2005 or so, and digital had gotten to a point that I thought it was good enough for "serious" photography. I started shooting live music, so I went with "C" because they had the better ISO performance. I soon got into shooting sports and everything else. I was doing well - getting calls and making money and having a great time.
However, I became so frustrated with the technology (I was heavily affected by the 1DMk3 AF fiasco), I had to walk away. I wasn't enjoying photography and didn't want anything to do with a camera.
Fast forward to July - I was bitten by the bug again. I still had my L glass, so I picked up a new prosumer C body. I shot with it one day and returned it. I was thinking about the new pro body but came across the specs on the D500. It ticked the boxes and wasn't $6K. I bought one and a lens, and that was it. I got rid of the L glass and built a new kit. I just replaced my D750 with a D5 and still love/have the D500. Here I am.