This says B&W to me. This image is timeless and for me, nothing emphasises timeless more than B&W. Per my monitor, I would lighten up the faces just a bit.
Residing in a less extreme clime and having experienced living above the Arctic Circle only once, the scene is quite foreign to me. Why are the sidewalks clean and the street filled with snow? The street appears not to have any vehicle traffic. I would think that covered sidewalks would enhance the quality of life there. What time of year was this taken? It appears to be a tough existence for the buskers ... his accordion is filled with snow, the suitcase is filled with water, the guy on the horn ... I imagine that he wouldn't be able to remove his lips from the instrument until Spring. I hope you left a few coins. (On the flip side, walking around taking photos in this weather isn't no walk in the park either.)