This was inside a Cheetah rehabilitation centre so these were wild Cheetahs somewhat accustomed to people but not fully domesticated, they were very nervous when we first entered their pen climbing trees and such to get away from us. Over time they relaxed and we could take the eye to eye shots presented in this topic.
The cat getting intimate with my private parts was a Caracal if I remember correctly. I got low to be less of a threat, he approached me, gave me good sniff and decided to squeeze himself between my legs, so funny. I have been bitten and clawed a few times animals in general don't scare me and somehow I seem to have a calming effect on them, most of the time
Not really fond of big spiders though, in the Australian outback I kind of froze up once when an unknown species the size of my fist jumped on my chest when I closed the curtains he was hiding in. He looked me in the eye and I could clearly see his big fangs ready to strike, the only thought that went through my mind was that I was proper f*cked if he decided to bite me in the chest 360km away from the nearest hospital. After a couple of intens seconds which lasted for ages he jumped away and my adrenaline levels slowly returned to normal levels