I produced my Uni-WB files using Guillermo Luijk's method:
http://www.guillermoluijk.com/tutorial/uniwb/index_en.htmHe has collected a bunch of files that are available for download (scroll down on his page).
In case anyone uses Uni-WB occasionally and has files to share, I suggest to link them here.
In a nutshell, Uni-WB files are a workaround to get the camera RGB histogram to approximate the histograms of the RAW data. This is required to get exposure-to-the-right (ETTR) (or any other manual exposure) correct without too much guesswork. If only Nikon (and other manufacturers) would give us RAW histograms, we could forget about this work-around, but for the time being, this method will remain the only method to do ETTR. The image review on the camera LCD will have a pronounced green cast which reflects the true spectral sensitivity of the camera sensor.
You can download the file I just made for the D750:
http://www.suracephoto.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/UniWBD750.NEF_.zipTo use it, rename to _DSCXXXX.nef (where XXXX is an arbitrary four-digit number; thanks to Akira for pointing this out), copy it to a memory card and insert the memory into your D750. Navigate to Shooting Menu > White Balance > Preset manual. Then select a slot, press the Zoom Out button. Go to Select image and select the file above. Hit Ok. It might be good to protect the slot such that you don't overwrite with a custom WB when using the WB button later on.