Today I started making series of shots at various places, distances and with varying lighting conditions.
It is, as usual, very difficult to come to stable conclusions even though, on a particular shot, differences may spring into the eye. One does not expect two nifty fifties from the same generation (34-38 years ago) with similar designs from the same manufacturer to exhibit significant differences. Surprize: there are differences, and pixel peeping is not even needed.
The following shows the first shot, f/2 for both. I put all comments on top because I do not know how to intersperse shots and comments.
Left images are with the 50/1.8, right images with the 50/2. The side-by-side pics are screen captures, capturing the X/Y comparisons allowed by Lightroom, a very useful feature.
On the general shot, you'll see that there is more vignetting with the 50/2: not surprizing.
The center crop (100%) shows that the 50/1.8 is more contrasty: see for instance the patterns in the marble. Also, it exhibits less purple fringing on shining edges (background). Resolution seems however similar.
Looking at the bottom left reveals that the 50/2 is much sharper there. Is that a consequence of field curvature?
The bottom right details (tree, slightly in the foreground) and top right details (tower, in the background) tell that in both cases, the 50/2 is sharper - significantly so on the tree leaves. Bottom line: the 50/2 is a more homogeneous performer at f/2, by a big margin. The 50/1.8 has the better center in terms of contrast and fringing.