Author Topic: Mikes from Tokyo and Sydney  (Read 1967 times)


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Mikes from Tokyo and Sydney
« on: June 11, 2015, 21:03:40 »
Hello to a growing number of familiar "faces" - I too have emigrated here from Fotozones.

I have recently retired, and am spending most of my time here in Tokyo where my wife has been posted for a few years with a multinational. My hometown is Sydney, and I return there from time to time to catch up with family and friends.

Photography is now a significant leisure activity for me and, as we travel quite a bit, my topics are mainly travel, landscape and streetscape photography. Mainly a Nikon user (D8008e and Df), I have recently bought a Fujifilm XT-1 that I am trying hard to understand and like. This replaced an Olympus OM EM5 for use on hiking trips that I never got to love.

Japan is a great place to indulge in photography, and I spend a lot of time here travelling around here with a camera (and my wife).

I am looking forward to the new Nikongear developing into a friendly, tolerant and informative place, something like the old Nikongear used to be some time ago. I am confident that it will under its present custodians.

Mike Selby - Sydney

Fons Baerken

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Re: Mikes from Tokyo and Sydney
« Reply #1 on: June 15, 2015, 23:00:44 »
Hi Mike