Author Topic: Interesting mfa issue on the d800 I noticed the other day.  (Read 2259 times)


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I am traveling around Europe for the next month or so and before we left I mfa'd all the lenses. I got a new nikon 85mm f1.8 and sitting at Le Mont San Michelle for a rest and tried manual focusing.

I can manage to manual focus with the d800 screen quite well. But, the focus using auto focus is sharper, when I pusfthe AF button it visually defocusses in tthe view finder. Pretty much all my lenses sit at +5, mfa so the camera isn't perfect.

I have +5 mfa and now realize that if you have an mfa value inserted. The focus screen shims must be changed as well and I doubt this is being done when they are sent it back to Nikon to get the back focus fixed early on.

I now belive this is the main reason that you should not be running a mfa value at all

comments ????
Graham Johnson


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Re: Interesting mfa issue on the d800 I noticed the other day.
« Reply #1 on: June 15, 2015, 19:09:17 »
You have been unlucky to get a D800 that has the eye focus be off calibration.  Get that fixed; AF may continue as before.
Keith B., Santa Monica, CA, USA


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Re: Interesting mfa issue on the d800 I noticed the other day.
« Reply #2 on: July 11, 2015, 13:20:38 »
The D800 is now on its way back to Nikon to have this rectified. Will be interesting to see if I can convince them to fix it for free as its out of warranty but has been like this since new. I just never noticed it as all my lenses are AF.
Graham Johnson


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Re: Interesting mfa issue on the d800 I noticed the other day.
« Reply #3 on: August 17, 2015, 12:32:46 »
The D800 is now on its way back to Nikon to have this rectified. Will be interesting to see if I can convince them to fix it for free as its out of warranty but has been like this since new. I just never noticed it as all my lenses are AF.

Well it came back fixed perfectly. I managed to negotiate a deal to fix it seeing it had already supposedly been fixed during the warranty period. So it only cost me $70.

They replaced the bayonet mount and aligned the mirror, screen, etc.

Now its perfect and better than when it was new... The screen focus is spot on, I have just finished MFA for all my lenses. That took an after noon and I haven't done all the points on the Sigma 35 yet.

BUT it looks perfect. Interesting how you can really see how much sharper the 200 F2 is when you use FOCAL compared to the other lenses.
Graham Johnson