Author Topic: Shooting mushrooms  (Read 807 times)


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Shooting mushrooms
« on: September 11, 2021, 06:50:14 »
Sorry that this is probably not the correct place to post this, but it is magnificent report.

Sadly it seems Canon was the main platform used,  but essentially these were stills combined to make  a video.

I have never attempted anything like this, but I am sure here some have.

Richard Hawking (not Richard Haw!), in Tokyo


  • Homo jezoensis
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Re: Shooting mushrooms
« Reply #1 on: September 11, 2021, 07:07:32 »
An interesting find.  Thank you for sharing.

Despite its name, this forum is brand-agnostic.  There is absolutely no need to worry about the brand of the camera or the lens when you share the images or technical information here.  :)  Apparently there just happens to be almost no Canon or Pentax users here.
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