Author Topic: Kipon Tilt Adapter for Nikon F Mount Lens to Nikon Z Mirrorless Camera  (Read 1752 times)

Michael Erlewine

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This Kipon Tilt Adapter for Nikon F-Mount to Nikon Z cameras is solid and well-built. It works well. It has 360-degree free rotation with a variable tilt function up to 12 degrees.

It is useful to me for a wide variety of the smaller Nikon F-Mount lenses. Here is an example using the Nikon “O” CRT lens, and a quick sample photo. Also, a photo of the adapter and an iPhone snapshot of the Nikon CRT lens mounted on the Kipon Adapter. At about $212.00, I feel this is fair price for a tilt adapter that is well made, lightweight, doubles for the FTZ adapter, and gets a little extra angle on scores of F-mount lenses._, Daily Blog at main site:,, Founder:, All-Music Guide, All-Movie Guide, Classic, Matrix Software,


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this is what i have been waiting for :o :o :o

John Geerts

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That looks very nice.   Is the adapter chipped for Nikon Z?

Michael Erlewine

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That looks very nice.   Is the adapter chipped for Nikon Z?

Not that I know of. I don't chip my adapters because I don't know how., Daily Blog at main site:,, Founder:, All-Music Guide, All-Movie Guide, Classic, Matrix Software,

Birna Rørslett

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There is not, as of now, an opportunity for chipping Z-mount lenses. This applies to the mount adapters as well.

Eril and I have loosely discussed if a "break-out" solution is feasible, in the same manner as we did for the FT-1 adapter for the CX mount. I  already have most of the parts. However, until someone reverse engineers the communication protocol and the CPU circuitry of the Z system, this approach will be awkward at best.

I have had the Kipron tilt adapter for a while and agree it is functional and well made.


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attach a 55/3.5 to this and a Z50 and you have a nice kit for product photos :o :o :o


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FYI, on their eBay shop I just offered $190, and it was accepted! I felt a bit cheeky about such a low offer, but now I regret not offering lower...

A while ago I offered $50 under the for sale price for a Chinese something that I forgot what it was - but it was instantly accepted. Clearly a minimum offer price had been pre-programmed.

For this it took 45 mins to accept, so I guess a human was involved.

I usually hate haggling (lived in Japan too long), but sometimes I feel confident and cheeky :-)
Richard Hawking (not Richard Haw!), in Tokyo


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I usually hate haggling (lived in Japan too long), but sometimes I feel confident and cheeky :-)

this is the norm when dealing with chinese and indian sellers specially at bazaars as its literally part of the culture. i wont go into details as i dont want to be branded as a racist :o :o :o

Michael Erlewine

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this is the norm when dealing with chinese and indian sellers specially at bazaars as its literally part of the culture. i wont go into details as i dont want to be branded as a racist :o :o :o

I have been to India, Nepal, Tibet, etc. That's not racism, but what is call bakshesh, standard bribing and quibbling over money. I remember one (funny) case, where the official is lecturing me on the fine points on Indian philosophy, while under the table I am handing him money to get a visa on the last day possible for us to get one., Daily Blog at main site:,, Founder:, All-Music Guide, All-Movie Guide, Classic, Matrix Software,


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I have been to India, Nepal, Tibet, etc. That's not racism, but what is call bakshesh, standard bribing and quibbling over money. I remember one (funny) case, where the official is lecturing me on the fine points on Indian philosophy, while under the table I am handing him money to get a visa on the last day possible for us to get one.
its a way of life. even passengers haggle with a metered taxi so some taxi drivers in singapore wont serve people from the sib continent at the airport :o :o :o
its not as severe for chinese culture but its still there.