What the Nerds Do


(1/48) > >>

[1] Chipping a Nikkor - A Walk-through

[2] Even rarer Nikkor 135/3.5 F-mount adapter

[3] Old video showing how an Argus camera was made

[4] Nikkor-S 50mm f/1.4 Olympic

[5] regreasing helicoids on longer MF (200mm) lens results in binding when focusing?

[6] 40mm f2 metal mout replacemet video

[7] Cine-Zoom-Nikkor 17-70mm f/2.2

[8] Nikkor 180mm f/2.8 ED Ai-S repair!!!

[9] very rare nikkor-Q 13.5 f/3.5 exakta mount


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