Images => People, Portraits, Street, PJ & Cityscapes => Topic started by: smusesuse on August 05, 2015, 20:40:01
Don't you think a selfie-thread is missing in this forum? ;)
Plenty of time to do selfies when you are hospitalised ...
(unfortunately, the colours in this photo won't survive web treatment)
Show-off of me and my new (to me) Df with a chrome 45/2.8 AI-p
One of my first selfies (There are older ones but they need to be digitalized)- Summer 1981 (excuse for the bad scan)
We were all younger then ...
Shot late at night in an underground heavy metal bar in Austin, Texas.
How many do you want 8)
Here's some taken in Spain over the years, used to go there a few times a year.
D3s and 16/3.5 fish, close to our camp for the night
D3s and 16/3.5 fish, while taking a break of shooting vultures in the bright sunlight
Trying to make a creepy tunnel selfie with the iPhone while drunk ;)
D3s with 50/1.2 in a winery during wine tasting:
The "creepy tunnel" selfie is the spitting image of you, JA :D
Apparently you go to some extreme places.
Must be tunnel vision there...
What's a selfie?
Is it just a self-portrait?
Self portraits have been around for hundreds, maybe thousands, of years.
The word "selfie" is new in terms of language.
It arose when it became viable to hold the camera, directly or on a device such as a selfie stick, and take a usable self portrait. Such photos are quite different from the traditional self portrait taken with a mirror or a timer. They have an immediacy and informality which makes them a specific art form.
It is a useful word which conveys a specific type of photograph.
So let's use the word for that type of photography, and not dilute it by amalgamating it with the traditional self-portrait.
Lot of words Anthony but no selfie or self portrait ;D ;) :P
Using the one from my AW-1 review:
Although I agree with Anthony I say here's mine:
Lot of words Anthony but no selfie or self portrait ;D ;) :P
Showing all the distortion of which a Canon S90 is capable.
NB, I am not the blonde person.
Yes, I used my selfie stick!
Yes, I used my selfie stick!
And a blonde Telecaster too..?
And a blonde Telecaster too..?
Well spotted, Sten! :D That is actually G&L Asat Classic, but essentially a Telly.
And a blonde Telecaster too..?
Well spotted, Sten! :D That is actually G&L Asat Classic, but essentially a Telly.
I've barely handled a George&Leo but I understand they are very good intruments.
I've barely handled a George&Leo but I understand they are very good intruments.
Leo Fender never stopped improving his instruments, and Asat Classic was practically the last incarnation of Telecaster. Its playability is improved, and its control panel, bridge and pickups are perfectly compatible with those of the original Telly.
Ok, following up on the theme started by Susanne, here's mine
And no, even using 3D glasses don't improve this at all ;)
and t's me
Ha, I knew it would be a good idea to ask photographers for their selfies! 8)
Jan Anne, you definitely are the king of selfies! :D My favourites are the ghost- and the creepy-tunnel-selfie, I just love those.
And we even have one taken with a selfie stick! (Akira, you sure know how to put a lot of stuff in a very small space!)
I hope there's more to come!
Show-off of me and my new (to me) Df with a chrome 45/2.8 AI-p
Chris you are an inspiration :)
Great thread, Smuse!
Of course Akira's selfie is simply something special.
So if I understood correctly I am not posting my selfie but a self portrait.
Will it count?
Elsa, is that your living room ?
Fascinating lots of glass & crystal round there.
Some are more camera portraits.
Me in my natural habitat.
Yes, I used my selfie stick!
Great self portrait.
As per Anthony, a proper selfie should not use any mirror or similar to create the final image. One would still need a lens though to capture the image I surmise.
Thus this winter selfie obtained with a 10 mm f/5.6 OP Fisheye-Nikkor ought to qualify? My arms substituted for the selfie stick.
Bjørn, you selfie is hilarious :) Your face says it all!
(Apart from being a great image)
Is it a selfie if you set your camera to self timer?
Must you not hold the camera with your hands and/or selfie stick for it to be an official selfie?
Some Old Selfies ...
V1 selfie
d800 self timer
looking serious
(Akira, you sure know how to put a lot of stuff in a very small space!)
Suse, I don't know. Maybe contrary! :'(
looking serious
Oh, yeah, that's my favorite, Armando!
A striking likeness there, Frank !
You do look a bit negative. ;)
Yes, I used my selfie stick!
Akira, I get claustrophobic looking at that man cave of yours, used to lots more space here in Africa.
A striking likeness there, Frank !
the iyv bg looked better in pink
Lost some parts
Akira, I get claustrophobic looking at that man cave of yours, used to lots more space here in Africa.
Fanie, I know. That's why I used a fisheye. :D
Another selfie, this time with the iPhone and the Hipstamatic app.
Me @ the Sand Pyramids in Bosnia, 2014:
very cool, Jan.
JA's latest must qualify as a true selfie, as we have material evidence;
Hahaa, my new favourite is Bjørn's winter selfie! Where the arms substituted for the selfie stick. ;D
I also really like Armando's V1-selfie. :)
Once again, I hope there's more to come! I love out-of-the-ordinary-selfies. :)
Well okay, if more versions are allowed. Here a 'recent' 'self-portrait' ;)
Hahaa, my new favourite is Bjørn's winter selfie! Where the arms substituted for the selfie stick. ;D
I also really like Armando's V1-selfie. :)
Once again, I hope there's more to come! I love out-of-the-ordinary-selfies. :)
someone is a real cutie full of spreckles and fun in her eyes
Elsa, is that your living room ?
Fascinating lots of glass & crystal round there.
Airy its an event covered - big dinner with lots of wino
Seflie at Gods Windows, South Africa, during 2009 NG safari:
D700 and Eriks Nikkor 8mm fisheye
Seflie at Gods Windows, South Africa, during 2009 NG safari:
D700 and Eriks Nikkor 8mm fisheye
Hilarious, I don't remember this photo, JA :)
Shot with a hand- and kneeheld Samsung tablet in my sofa. Light source is the NikonGear site on my phone.. hence the sallow look ;)
Ha, Frank, vielen Dank für die Blumen! ;) I do have freckles in abundance.
Jan Anne, I knew there were more selfies to be found in your archives... :) Another cool one!
Lars, that is the perfect light source! 8)
Lars: The power of the Smartphone Light is strong. It is said to be disrupting sleep of hundreds of millions of people worldwide
@Sunanne: If you want to see flowers visit the Bee-Thread soon. I will upload the first bunch of 6-legged biodiversity soon.
Jan Anne, I knew there were more selfies to be found in your archives... :) Another cool one!
Plenty more where those came from, will post one every other day or so until I run out or when people start complaining about seeing yet another shot of my ugly mug ;D
Thanks for starting this topic btw, awesome idea.
Hahaa, my new favourite is Bjørn's winter selfie! Where the arms substituted for the selfie stick. ;D
I also really like Armando's V1-selfie. :)
Once again, I hope there's more to come! I love out-of-the-ordinary-selfies. :)
Fun shot! and very surprising since I recognized you immediately... ;)
So nice to see you here on NG :-*
Selfie in elevator
Downtown Dallas, Texas
I dunno Rick, looks a bit fishy to me ...
(actually, that is a great selfie ... I love your stuff.)
When it comes to selfies, it's nice when you do them with your best friends :)
In case you wondered, my friend is on the right 8)
I recognize you, but who's the dude in the black shirt?
I recognize you, but who's the dude in the black shirt?
Gary, I saw that one coming from miles away :D
I love how many cool and fun selfies are being posted here!
Plenty more where those came from, will post one every other day or so until I run out or when people start complaining about seeing yet another shot of my ugly mug ;D
Thanks for starting this topic btw, awesome idea.
Plenty more, that sounds good! :) I'm glad that so many of you like the topic of selfies too. 8)
Fun shot! and very surprising since I recognized you immediately... ;)
So nice to see you here on NG :-*
Thanks Erik! It's good to be here. Hope to see you soon in real life again! :-*
Love the elevator selfie, so James-Bond-cool!
I also really like the fishy shot and the donkey business, Rick and Jakov!
Keep up the good work! 8)
I recognize you, but who's the dude in the black shirt?
Gary, I saw that one coming from miles away :D
Yeah I know ... I am the master of the obvious.
Some windows and a mirror at 300mm
Triple John :)
Some of you might have noticed that the majority of my selfies and self portraits are about placing me in the places I visit, mainly for preserving memories but of course also to show off on Facebook and NG as nothing beats making friends jealous about the cool things one does and sees 8)
This self portrait of me in the Norwegian hut named Møllerbua was taken in 2007 during a two week canoeing trip in the Rogen nature reserve on the Swedish/Norwegian border. We left our canoes behind and went for a two day hike due to really bad weather when we stumbled onto this amazing little hut which had actual beds and a wood burning stove, a nice break from freezing my nuts off and bouncing around in the hammock during yet another stormy night.
D200 and Tokina 12-24mm
Unknowingly at the time the Møllerbua hut would provide salvation for two more nights six years later, not from foul weather but as a safe haven where we could lick our wounds and fix the mangled canoe from the little endeavour shown in the next pic. Technically not a selfie but if it makes some people feel better it was taken with a human selfie stick whom was programmed not to change any of the settings and to keep me in the middle of the frame :P
D800E and Samyang 14/2.8
One old with selfie stick, several years before I knew it has a name. Taken in 2004 with a F801 and 20mm on a ski pole and a home made remote cord.
Another one from the same mountain. This time with the camera on tripod and with a wireless remote.
Another one from the same mountain. This time with the camera on tripod and with a wireless remote.
HAHAHA. That reminds me of something I did in 2005 when the D70 came to me as the first camera with IR-Remote. I have to dig out that shot. Multiple me there....
Asle, you made me laugh with your ski pole!
Technically not a selfie but if it makes some people feel better it was taken with a human selfie stick whom was programmed not to change any of the settings and to keep me in the middle of the frame :P
No, Jan Anne, as cool as that shot may be - this does not count as a selfie! ;D
One old with selfie stick, several years before I knew it has a name. Taken in 2004 with a F801 and 20mm on a ski pole and a home made remote cord.
That is so ... MacGyver! :) Very cool.
Another one from the same mountain. This time with the camera on tripod and with a wireless remote.
Also love this one. I was wondering when the first jumping selfies would show up. :)
No, Jan Anne, as cool as that shot may be - this does not count as a selfie! ;D
I know, it was a supportive image of the self portrait to complete the story :)
Light ate half ma brain
Could that be called light pollution ?
Definitely light. If it was severe I would not be able to answer.
I go winter camping a few times each winter, the days are short so the evenings are long so one has to find some entertainment to stay warm.
In this case we decided to have some photographic fun, I leave it up to viewer whether the image is interpreted as a sexual activity or as an Austin Power re-enactment ;)
D800e & 35/1.4G
Light ate half ma brain
Frank, only half? ;) ;D
I go winter camping a few times each winter, the days are short so the evenings are long so one has to find some entertainment to stay warm.
In this case we decided to have some photographic fun, I leave it up to viewer whether the image is interpreted as a sexual activity or as an Austin Power re-enactment ;)
Winter camping? But why? ;) Another cool shot!
My persona views this as: Jan Anne likes it doggy-style :)
Smuse: only a light injury....
The first image taken by the 16/3.5 fish-eye back in June 2009.
Back then, I was getting ready for the NikonGear safari. The red Crumpler camera bag can also be seen.
Little did I know back then that I was going to hook up with wonderful people that became over the years my best friends!
You were so young, back then :D
4 months earlier, same place, my old office, I modified a camera for IR.
I opened up my old D70 and I took out the AA filter, making the famous D70 a multispectral camera.
Up and until then, I was making IR images with 30s exposures. Amateur :)
Anyhow, this is the first image after the modification, D70 + 28/3.5K + B&W 092 filter.
(this image used to be my avatar on the old site, should I make it my avatar on the revival site?)
I think the donkey should be your avatar. :P
I call this one: Sensor cleaning
Rule of thumb...
I call this one: Sensor cleaning
Haha, love this one! Is that you putting your poor camera in the washing machine? :)
Rule of thumb...
Frank, what a critical look! Is that the other half or your brain playing tricks on you? :D
Jakov, I miss the IR avatar as it's how I first came to know of you.
However I think Suse has made an intriguing alternative suggestion
Haha, love this one! Is that you putting your poor camera in the washing machine? :)
I beg to differ, I'm taking it out! I wanted to see whether it looks interesting to make a photo inside the washing machine. It was not.
Jakov, I miss the IR avatar as it's how I first came to know of you.
However I think Suse has made an intriguing alternative suggestion
Colin you are absolutely right!
Enough of me being a donkey all day long, I shouldn't be promoting myself as such :)
Jakov is photogenic so lots of opportunities with him hanging around :D
Also can promote the notion that smoking is bad for your health ....
Yes, he's very photogenic, I agree.
(Even in blue.) ( :) )
But Bjørn, how does this count as a selfie? :P
Jakov is photogenic so lots of opportunities with him hanging around :D
Also can promote the notion that smoking is bad for your health ....
Unless we are talking about the good shit...
But Bjørn, how does this count as a selfie? :P
Not at all unless you think he was too blown away by the smokie to stop caring about all the fuss around him :D
Put it down on an admin's (and friend's) prerogative ....
Was this the photo of me smoking from Slovenia, Bjørn?
I am not photogenic at all, but Bjørn, Erik, and especially Jan Anne make good photos of me!
Elsa, join us in the Black Forrest for a smoke :)
Elsa, join us in the Black Forrest for a smoke :)
next trip for NG - BLACK FOREST ;D ;D
Elsa, join us in the Black Forrest for a smoke :)
next trip for NG - BLACK FOREST ;D ;D
Yes, indeed!
Shot with a Lomo fisheye lens mounted on a Lumix GF-1.
Summer feelings
Shot with a Lomo fisheye lens mounted on a Lumix GF-1.
Rick, a fisheye is addictive. :D
Summer feelings
Frank, is it that cold in Germany?
This is a Scottish fishermen dress (a SMOCK) and it is cold mornings & nights. daytime is shirt time!
Blue blue Jokov. Nicotin stain technique?
Little old me. 8)
Shot with a Lomo fisheye lens mounted on a Lumix GF-1.
Rick, fisheye-selfies are definitely amongst the coolest!!
Jan Anne, haven't seen another selfie of yours in a while... ;)
Jan Anne, haven't seen another selfie of yours in a while... ;)
Sorry, busy busy busy :)
Here's a selfportrait from the amazing winter of 07, there was lot of moist in the air when the temperature dipped wel below zero which created very nice ice crystals and layers of solid ice formed on all the branches creating a very photogenic scene.
The idea behind the image was to use it as a Christmas card but that never materialised.
D200 with Tokina 12-14/4
An supporting image to show the ice crystals up close (different lake but same principle):
D200 with 105/2.8VR
Bjøn and moi.
Chapman's Peak, Cape Town, South Africa
Here's one of me!
Nice one Elsa - "fish by proxy.." ?!
That tired looking tourist to the left looks familiar.. ;D
Here goes.
From the archives, ca. 10 years ago, I tried to eat my SB800, in front of one of my macropanos hanging on the wall, leftovers from an exhibition
Some BBQ sauce would probably make that go down easier.
...not so enlighting
I love being photographed in a phone booth, go figure!
With many thanks to Jakov, of course ;)
I love being photographed in a phone booth, go figure!
Jakov - was that you calling me?
Jakov - was that you calling me?
Yes babe 8)
Disco selfy 8)
Multi Selfie, Catalunya 2012
iPhone 5 with Hipstamatic app
Flea market selfie
and one from a boring ferry crossing. It felt good to be megalomaniac for a few minutes, my mind floating on waters :)
Lumia 930, true smartphone selfie
A selfie from the hospital bed when I was bed-ridden and had nothing else to do.
You look great. Did they release when they saw the photo you made :)
No. Not that kind of hospital :D. The antibiotic IV treatment ran for about 3 weeks.
Jan Anne - really really nice shot!
Suicidal on Pulpit Rock 8)
Jacov, that gives me vertigo!
People do have jumped off that cliff ... A very long fall down to the fjord, so you have some seconds to consider your action ...
They jump off the rock in groups too :D
Perhaps an obvious shot Jakov but it works for me, humorous and engaging. Well done!
Not a suggestion I would normally make but it cries out for the group to be photoshoped closer to the edge of the cliff .
Teaching my granddaughter to shoot. You can't start early enough. :D
Perhaps an obvious shot Jakov but it works for me, humorous and engaging. Well done!
Not a suggestion I would normally make but it cries out for the group to be photoshoped closer to the edge of the cliff .
Bez, wouldn't that mean premeditated murder? :)
Chris, when I grow up, I want to be just like you, a grandfather!
Chris, when I grow up, I want to be just like you, a grandfather!
You should, it's even more fun than having children yourself; no obligations, just fun :)
Another one from that serie.
Bez, wouldn't that mean premeditated murder? :)
Only if you think photoshop is reality :-) ....but looking at the image, on another day they would all of been over the edge. Look at that huge fissure in the rock that ends by their feet.
Here is a 5-year old image of the boys in the family (including El Presidente).
Made with modified multi-spectral Nikon D70 + 8mm Sigma fish-eye + #25 red gel in its back slot.
I counter with a 3 year old image from the US Desert trip of 2012 (with Andrea). Inspecting the composition of a fisheye UV shot ....
Bjørn, this is hilarious and genius at the same time!
Taken on Sunday or Monday i think - thats what you look like after cardiac arrest :o
clearly I survived (again)
My love <3
Elsa: No really: you? Yet another cardiac arrest? Why? Whatfor?
Wow, Elsa, please don't kill half the forum with such news!
hope you feel better now.
hope you are feeling better, wish you a quick recovery
Taken on Sunday or Monday i think - thats what you look like after cardiac arrest :o
clearly I survived (again)
Dont go now!
get well soon
lovely Elsa, get well really soon!
Elsa, you do look better in your kitchen or behind your work desk .... Can hopefully only go uphill from where you are now. Hospitals are not the best venue for portrait work.
Elsa, honestly, you don't need to go that far to get a selfie.
Wishing you a speedy recovery. Take care.
;D ;D ;D dont stress - I survived - even to take a selfie
An old stent got blocked good and proper - so got yet another stent and I am up and running.
I wont be so kind as to leave you all here - who else will irritate you
You do have a critically important mission here, Elsa. We need you
Oei ! Get well soon, Elsa.
Elsa, big hugs to you.
it makes me so sad to see you ill like that.... god speed for a quick recovery.. hope you are back on your feet soon!
Elsa - you are much too young for that kind of thing. Get well soon....
Please remember that one has to pull an extra sad face while doing that kind of selfie. >:( ;D ;D
Elsa, do keep it in your mind that you are a pretty little mascot of NG here, and get well solidly!
Please remember that one has to pull an extra sad face while doing that kind of selfie. >:( ;D ;D
Elsa, very well illustrated. Get well soon!!
Wish you a speedy recovery. Get well soon, Elsa!
Wow Elsa, Janette is in UK so I guess I should be on Facebook to keep track of things. The Selfie shows some true grit ;). Next time I'm in the ICU I'll have to remember... oops, cameras not allowed in the hospital and my last two cell phones were stolen while I was out of it :( . Get well and get out there shooting.
Tom, nothing posted on Facebook - and I keep it off there. Imagine all 900 + friends start commenting.... enough to give me another MI.
I was in Medical ICU - what a circus. I have never seen such a "casual " place. They hardly noticed when I got up and unplugged from all 69000 machines, commenting later "oh lets get you hooked up " ;D ;D ;D I swear if I left they would only have realised this 3 days later.
No fun to hear about this Elsa. But you are very sweet to inspire with your selfie, thank you 😊
Sorry to hear about this, Elsa, best wishes for a speedy recovery.
Unexpected colors can be useful in 'selfies' ;)
Elsa. Sending you Chocolates, Roses and Kisses.
Get well soon.
I just spoke with Elsa. She is in good spirits and resting at home. Please respect her request to keep this off Facebook.
;D ;D ;D dont stress - I survived - even to take a selfie
An old stent got blocked good and proper - so got yet another stent and I am up and running.
I wont be so kind as to leave you all here - who else will irritate you
Stay healthy from now on. Please.
So , how do I turn off the bloody Focus Assist :(
Son a7II, Batis 25 f2
Guess I should have worked that out before using the camera ;)
Just for fun
Great shot tom!
As an infamous president once said: "I didn't inhale and I never tried it again!"
haha, that's a great one, Jakov.
Nice, Jacov! Do you have a disco ball somewhere in the room?
Here's me privately investigating myself.
Well spotted, private I Charlie. I had a disco ball but my daughter confiscated it for her delinquent purposes. Must obtain a new one soon ;)
D300 w/10.5mm
i kept repeating to myself, keep your mouth shut, keep your mouth shut... and at a certain point i had no other choice...
I must be in love with myself considering the amount of selfies I am running in to ::)
I must be in love with myself considering the amount of selfies I am running in to ::)
oh thats fine by me :)
Selfie in an Eremite's cave somewhere up in the Meteora, April 2014. After a one hour scramble off the road.
trying out a new lens
Armando, so that's how you try out a lens :)
Armando, so that's how you try out a lens :)
that's one way :)
Armando, you look cool! And what is your new lens by the way?
Just catching up to all the cool selfies. You all are very creative.
Else, omg, happy to hear that you were re-stented successfully. You take care now!!!
May not strictly qualify......
Some of the cave paintings here in Pachmarhi were betwenn 5,000-10,000 years old.
The most accessible had already been rubbed off, so you had to wriggle a bit to find the intact ones:
Me, again!
Make no mistake, there is more of me!
"Hello, is it me you're looking for..."
Here is another one.
We had a guest this weekend and we had a wonderful time. :D
Yours truly capturing Wood Anemones in late spring (the magenta-looking filter is a Baader U 'Venus' acting as a true UV bandpass filter. Thus I'm doing a UV portrait of the flowers).
UV camera: D200 modified, UV-Nikkor 105/4.5, Baader U; visible light camera: Nikon D2X, AFD 85/1.4 Nikkor; self-inflicted capture)
In the studio writing out some music for a session musician.
Tristan, that looks cool 8)
Tristin, I like the scene. The Subkick to mike the bass amp is a nice idea. :)
Akira, that was Kurt's idea (Kurt Ballou). That side of my cab is a ported 15, puts out too much low end for most mics. It's a guitar rig btw, though a baritone one.
Akira, that was Kurt's idea (Kurt Ballou). That side of my cab is a ported 15, puts out too much low end for most mics. It's a guitar rig btw, though a baritone one.
Thanks, Tristin, for the details. Then you won't need a bass player. :D Sorry for my initial mis-spelling of your name which is corrected now.
Have I ever mentioned how much I like to use the Sigma 8/3.5 fish-eye :)
Now that, is a fantastic family picture Jakov! :D :D :D
I love the studio shoot & The family fisheye photo very much!
Tristan and Frank know their photography.
Thank you, gentlemen.
With help from Olafur Eliasson
Found this wall painting in the streets of Valencia.
Not a common selfi, but I think for this occasion it counts. :D
What a great idea!
(How was Valencia)
Ha, great :D Nice idea.
Selfie or more traditionally, self portrait though no stick here (I hate those darn things)
Cable remote, D810 and 85/1.4G at f/11, light is Broncolor MobiLED with BeautyBox 65 at 10 o'clock high
NYC, 2011
De Pont, Tilburg 2016
It looks like you are having fun John :P
A composite selfie from almost 10 years ago, actually have not changed that much ;D
I am so tired
i'm on the right.. and that is not my tripod... i was just borrowing it :)
Before entering the Flying Dutchman Winery, I captured the building (and myself). The Flying Dutchman is the western-most winery in the continental US as it is perched on the edge of cliffs by the Devil's Punchbowl on the Oregon coast.
i'm on the right.. and that is not my tripod... i was just borrowing it :)
This one made me smile! ;D
Bob. you made me smile too :)
A long time ago in Lisbon 8)
I know that most people don't like the pop up flash, but this was an occasion I was glad I had it :)
Sedona, Arizona.
( (
Neugierig (und ein Selfie!) ( by Harry M. (, auf Flickr
I don't mean to be negative and I don't mean to be picky, that's the last thing I am.
I remember Anthony pointing out the difference between selfies and self-portraits and ever since I am seeing more self-portraits than selfies.
Just to clarify my thoughts as I understand it, a selfie is an image that you take by holding and pointing the camera towards you (the modern way - even by using a selfie stick); a self-portrait would be taking an image of yourself via a reflection or by situating you camera on a tripod and triggering it remotely (the old fashioned way).
Of course I am not saying that you shouldn't post your self-portraits in a selfie thread, on the contrary.
What I am saying is that I will open a new thread for self-portraits just to be clear on the difference between the two :)
We don't want to misguide the world wide web, do we?
This is a selfie:
That is a fine idea Jakov! And... Nice IR selfie 8)
99 Vinstue Street in CPH.
It does wonders to generally quiet and introvert boys.
Hahaha ;D We need to go there soon 8)
Afrikamuseum, Berg en Dal
D700 28mm f/3.5
Durmitor, Montenegro
Luka and I up high :)
Nik V1 + 18.5 lens
Armando, you don't need to hire a studio photographer ;)
Armando, you don't need to hire a studio photographer ;)
Thanks Jakov, I had fun doing this, in camera b&w, pp to tif in cnx2, played with luminosity in ps
A Fishy Selfie. With the Joshua Trees as a convenient backdrop.
At Hakone, 2014. No selfie stick used in the making.
The saying that photographers never have photos of themselves is clearly a myth.....
Bjørn, you are so sexy with sunglasses 8)
My ghostly self. Df, Zeiss 35/2.
not me
Windows portrait/selfi.
Df = 35/1.4 N AI-d
Jakov the Hulk! :D
Here is a selfie using the trusty Manfrotto and self timer. D800E 80-200 2.8D ED
I'm a little too impatient to stay put through the entire UV exposure ....
Nikon D3200 (UV-modified), Tamron 21 mm f/4.5 lens.
not me
I certainly hope not.
No commentary...
Airport selfie 8)
^^^^ That made me smile ... Dunno why, but I found it amusing.
I'm a little too impatient to stay put through the entire UV exposure ....
Nikon D3200 (UV-modified), Tamron 21 mm f/4.5 lens.
coool sunglasses!!!!
Wow. Double Potatoes!
D500 1.4/24G @f=2.0, eye detection AF, Auto WB
Df handheld shot @ 55/1.2
'sorting it out' (a little series where each capture went to a different topic)
Taken today, my reflection on the shiny thorax of a Japanese beetle (Papillia japonica)
With my Favorite Camera and Lens
Sayanda, we share the same lens affection!
(I will not dwell on about the fact that the only selfie on this page is the one I posted at the airport. The rest are self-portraits. I give up.)
Hi Jakov , how do you qualify for a "selfie" ? you have to handhold the camera ?
From what I understand, a selfie is when you point the camera at yourself and hold it in your hands or by using a selfie stick :)
If you shoot yourself as a reflection or if you shoot yourself by using a tripod, you're making a self portrait.
I believe that Anthony pointed this out somewhere within this thread, and that is why I created a separate thread "self-portraits".,2754.0.html
Pedro, don't get me wrong, there is no real harm done by mixing it up. I just thought of pointing out that there is a difference between the two, hence the newly accepted term "selfie".
No problem, just wanted to make sure which was which :-)
You are right Jakov, well this is a real selfie. An antique one from 2009 ;)
John shaving his nostrils :)
Love it!
mmh..??? .. the three of us, selfy or portrais ??? ... ;)
That's a nice one, Werner
John shaving his nostrils :)
Love it!
Thanks Jakov. That was in my shavefoamsniffing period ;)
Werner, that is a true Escher! Great!
Nikon D810 ,Nikkor 8mm f/2.8 Fisheye Ai-S
1/30s f/8.0 at 8.0mm iso640
Me in UV 8)
Werner, nice self portrait!
Nikkor 105m f/1.8 Ai-s @ f/1.8
That's a great uncommon selfie, Tristin.
Tristin's self-portrait is very nice and mysterious.
JC made a lovely UV selfie :)
Werner also made a nice self-portrait :)
JC, the shadows from those sunglasses certainly made a characterful framing for your self portrait :D
Thanks guys!
Those drugstore reading glasses don't block all the UV it seems.
Jakov, a question since you have a made point of order on the difference between selfie and self portrait. If one uses an articulating or flip screen to frame the image is that a selfie or a self portrait? ;D :D
I love those fisheyes too.
JC, as long as you hold the device taking the picture with your hand or a stick - it is a selfie. :)
How you manage the framing is totally up to you! :D
Wavy selfie
You seem to be out of shape and having a hard time finding shoes that fit those feet ;D
You seem to be out of shape and having a hard time finding shoes that fit those feet ;D
Yeah, finding fitting clothes is a real hassle. :)
Johnny, that's a very humorous self-portrait :)
Friday afternoon in the office. ;)
Hi Suse, glad to see you posting again. And then such a funny selfie!
Susanne - nice to get signs of life from you .. or at least sort of ;-)
Friday afternoon in the office. ;)
Haha, time to go home and enjoy the weekend.
Hi Suse, glad to see you posting again. And then such a funny selfie!
Thanks, Hans! :)
Susanne - nice to get signs of life from you .. or at least sort of ;-)
Alive and kicking - just not at the end of the workweek. ;)
Haha, time to go home and enjoy the weekend.
I eventually woke up and did go home. ;D
Nice Sleeping Selfie, Suse ;)
Nice Sleeping Selfie, Suse ;)
Thank you, John! Love the alliteration. If only you had written 'super' instead of 'nice'... ;D
selfie THIS
Playing around with the infrared camera again... ;)
selfie THIS
Willie, did you wrap tiny Christmas lights around your head? :)
Playing around with the infrared camera again... ;)
Continue playing, please ... :D
Willie, did you wrap tiny Christmas lights around your head? :)
I think those are his brain electrodes ;D ;D ;D
selfie THIS
Electrodes? Fully connected? ::) ;D
Playing around with the infrared camera again... ;)
Lovely quiet capture! Beautiful Suse :-* And very nice to see you again!
Continue playing, please ... :D
Thanks Bjørn, I certainly will! :)
Lovely quiet capture! Beautiful Suse :-* And very nice to see you again!
And thank you too, Erik! :-*
I am watching you... :o
Those green eyes ...
Those green eyes ...
It was this or bright red vampire eyes. :D
That is powerful Suse! Love it :)
The rendering of tones really flow well! Very delicate
Thank you, Erik! I'm glad you like it.
Nice approach Suse, a scary selfie ;)
Thank you, John! I didn't necessarily go for scary but I like it if that's the outcome! 8)
I have a suspicion Suze did an IR selfie?
Suse did! :D
Had my hair cut today...
Nice one, Akira.
Thanks, Anthony. The image would rather fit into the "minimalistic image" thread, I guess? :o
Nice colours. Minimalistic or a new (sub)-topic, the haircut-selfies ;)
Thanks, John. A haircut-selfies thread could be too minor. :o
The only thing missing is some aurora around the pole, Akira. :)
Børge, that's a good idea. :D Maybe next time!
Playing around with the infrared camera again... ;)
Until now, I've looked at the adult human ear as a chaotic bit of gristle. I was quite wrong.
Had my hair cut today...
Hahahaaa, Akira, that's a good one! :D
Until now, I've looked at the adult human ear as a chaotic bit of gristle. I was quite wrong.
Woodley (or Willie?), I'm glad I changed the way you look at ears. :)
Susanne, thanks!
This is how you make a selfie :)
Taken during Erik's visit to The Hague back in 2013.
Adequately cool, I'll admit that. 8)
Nice, Jakov! What's good about the fisheye is that you don't need any "stick" to shoot selfies even when you don't use a tripod. :)
An adequate thanks to Susanne. And, thanks Akira. Nothing beats a fish-eye when it comes to selfies. Unfortunately, I am not in a possession of a selfie stick...
Here is an amphibian one. Really brings the best out of me :D
Quite a fun thread ....
here is one using f1.2 , looking at the computer (running digcamcontrol) and moving back and forth trying to get somewhat decent focus
X-trans depiction.
Two for the price of one though I am not totally sure that is a benefit !
The Whitney High School Drama Instructor and Moi during a shoot.
Gary, i completely missed this selfie of yours...
You look good!
There are some good things in these peculiar times, i have some time to snap a few.
Very Jakovian, and those blue eyes are marvellous :)
Very Jakovian, and those blue eyes are marvellous :)
Very Jakovian indeed. The only thing left to say is: Jakov, Jakov, Jakov ...
Birna and Hans <3 <3 <3
Very Jakovian indeed. The only thing left to say is: Jakov, Jakov, Jakov ...
Yeeaah. Agree !
An unintended selfie..slice :-\
Crossing Eyes
I have a huge mirror in my studio (2.5x2 m²), adequate for the occasional selfie
Nikon 1J2, 1 NIKKOR VR 30-110mm f/3.8-5.6
Ciao from Massimo
At the funfair - D850 & 20mm f/1.8
in a coffee, art and coctail garden in Hermanus
Beautiful effect, Thomas. And very colourful ;)
Beautiful effect, Thomas. And very colourful ;)
thank you John
in a coffee, art and coctail garden in Hermanus
Yes, a nice idea and its execution.
thank you Akira
in a coffee, art and coctail garden in Hermanus
Hermanus South Africa? Thomas!
yes, Fons. It was on my way from Dallas to Elsa
Here's a recent one of me looking sinister. I'm not really. I'm actually quite shy so I hide behind the camera. :)
Willy Fons ?? :)
Where's Willy Fons ?? :)
(Willy is free) :-X
Fons is in the car :)
waiting for the train to pass
Optician window
Where's Willy Fons ?? :)
Agreed (too subtle for me Fons ;) )
Optician window
Much better (and I think the lady with blue eye shadow approves too!)
Thank you Colin ;)
In the cinema we were given 3D specs to watch the movie 'Anselm' about Anselm Kiefer.
Testing the sigma 56mm f1.4
camera with eye detection, used the fuji app to change the aperture, and compose, so easy it feels like cheating
Optician window
Fons, you need to patent the cloning machine ;D
Fons, you need to patent the cloning machine ;D
Testing the sigma 56mm f1.4
camera with eye detection, used the fuji app to change the aperture, and compose, so easy it feels like cheating
cloning machine ... in your selfi you appear 3 times , sorry for the bad joke
about the fuji app, I used my phone to control the camera and take the selfie, very easy when I get the live view on the phone, also served to test a new lens I got.
Testing the sigma 56mm f1.4
camera with eye detection, used the fuji app to change the aperture, and compose, so easy it feels like cheating
I like the end results Armando.
As a portrait, it speaks to me of both kindness and warmth
The variation between the way the exposure captures your left and right eye is fascinating too
(please excuse me if this is too much analysis or speculation)
Whilst checking where to post this, I was reminded that we have two (parallel) threads on similar topics
(the other one is here ( )
A shadowy doppelganger of me, hiking in icy winds along the spine of the Malvern Hills, Worcestershire, UK
January 20
Zf, 40mm f/2
In the cinema we were given 3D specs to watch the movie 'Anselm' about Anselm Kiefer.
This one is excellent 8)
Cleaning out some memory cards I came across one from a couple of years ago. Vermont, as you can see, is an "open carry" state.
Near the river Maas
This one is excellent 8)
Thank you Paco!
An old one, April 2019, attending BIFFF, the Brussels Horror Film Festival.
I like the end results Armando.
As a portrait, it speaks to me of both kindness and warmth
The variation between the way the exposure captures your left and right eye is fascinating too
(please excuse me if this is too much analysis or speculation)
Thanks for the comment :)
As for the exposure I just sat by a window I like the contrasts in this kind of light
Mmm, is this the right thread for self portrait s & selfies?
Has no one posted for a year?
This was an unintended selfie whilst trying to capture the visual chaos
Redflection :)
Redflection :)
Nice play of words, thank you Birna.
Selfie as detail
Z7_2 - Viltrox 16mm f/1.8