
Gear Talk => Lens Talk => Topic started by: elsid on January 02, 2017, 22:35:06

Title: nikon fisheye 2.8/16 AF-D and circular image
Post by: elsid on January 02, 2017, 22:35:06
I have been testing the above Nikon fisheye lens (used) and I have a question. It is the first time that I am using a fisheye lens and I was under  the impression that the downloaded photos would look circular. It seems I am missing something. Is it a matter of PP or a matter of additional equipment needed? Thanks for your help.
Title: Re: nikon fisheye 2.8/16 AF-D and circular image
Post by: Bjørn Rørslett on January 02, 2017, 22:44:58
The 16 mm Fisheye-Nikkors are designed to fill the entire FX frame. The DX equivalent is the 10.5 mm f/2.8 AF-Nikkor, likewise covering the entire DX frame. The various 6 to 10 mm Fisheye-Nikkors do render a circular image on FX, though.

If the 10.5 is put on an FX camera and its hood removed, it will cover about 200 degrees on the long axis. Still, top and bottom will be masked off, but by quickly rotating the camera for another exposure and later combining the two frames, a circular image results.

The image below, from the Dutch city of Delft, is taken using this two-frame technique.
Title: Re: nikon fisheye 2.8/16 AF-D and circular image
Post by: Erik Lund on January 02, 2017, 22:46:08
The 16mm lenses are called Full Frame Fisheye on FX - The 8mm is a Circular Fisheye on FX
Bjørn said it :)
Title: Re: nikon fisheye 2.8/16 AF-D and circular image
Post by: elsid on January 02, 2017, 22:54:52
Bjorn, Erik thank you for your prompt reply. I will return the 16mm and try to find a used 10.5 DX.
Title: Re: nikon fisheye 2.8/16 AF-D and circular image
Post by: Erik Lund on January 02, 2017, 22:59:31
The two image technique using the 10.5mm is quite difficult, and can only be done with a modified lens and on stationary subjects,,,
Title: Re: nikon fisheye 2.8/16 AF-D and circular image
Post by: Bjørn Rørslett on January 02, 2017, 23:05:33
Very true. But then fisheye images are difficult to tackle and make interesting any way, so the two-frame technique only adds a layer of complexity, not making an insurmountable hurdle.

The 6 mm f/2.8 'Big Eye' that Erik so skilfully exploited might be an exception, or not. It certainly requires a lot of user imagination and hard work, but final results can be fantastic. The lens is very esoteric, extremely rare, and prices are astronomical.
Title: Re: nikon fisheye 2.8/16 AF-D and circular image
Post by: Jakov Minić on January 02, 2017, 23:19:29
If you would like to have a circular fish-eye, you best try the Sigma 8mm f/3.5.
Here are two images from Scotland :)
Erik mastered the 6mm Nikkor in Scotland and produced amazing results.
Nevertheless, the Sigma is a very affordable option ;)
Title: Re: nikon fisheye 2.8/16 AF-D and circular image
Post by: elsid on January 02, 2017, 23:22:10
Thank you all guys for your help. I just saw a Nikon 6mm on ebay going for USD 65,000.
Title: Re: nikon fisheye 2.8/16 AF-D and circular image
Post by: Erik Lund on January 02, 2017, 23:52:31
Thanks for all the kind words;) it was indeed fun to shoot it :)

Here is the thread on the 6mm,3011.0.html