
Gear Talk => Lens Talk => Topic started by: JJChan on March 23, 2016, 14:44:12

Title: Nikon AF-S 17-35mm f2.8
Post by: JJChan on March 23, 2016, 14:44:12
After reading about the 17-35mm in Andy's D5 post, I pulled out some old photos - D100, D700 - I hardly use it now and have almost all but forgotten it at the back of my shelf.

These are some snapshots with not a lot of artistic merit but opened the world to me of wide angle possibilities.
Mine has been squeaking since 2010 but still has good AF and motor has not died yet.

Post some more of your 17-35mm!

Title: Re: Nikon AF-S 17-35mm f2.8
Post by: Chip Chipowski on March 23, 2016, 15:10:18
#1 is very nice - great light and composition
Title: Re: Nikon AF-S 17-35mm f2.8
Post by: jhinkey on March 23, 2016, 15:23:10
Mine has been squeeking for the last 10 years, but works just fine.
With today's high resolution sensors the sharpness is not quite up there with the best, but it's pretty darned good.

What I really like about this lens is the resistance to flare and ghosting - it's very very very good.

I don't use mine all that much these days having gone to a smaller kit made of primes (A7RII + M glass), but it gets pulled out every once in a while when I need to make some wide angle shots in low light.

I really need to send it in to APS to get a CLA and a motor replacement.
Title: Re: Nikon AF-S 17-35mm f2.8
Post by: bjornthun on March 23, 2016, 15:48:47
I like the first image in b&w, nice tones and composition!
Title: Re: Nikon AF-S 17-35mm f2.8
Post by: Frank Fremerey on March 23, 2016, 16:45:05
geometry & mood of #1 are very appealing to me also
Title: Re: Nikon AF-S 17-35mm f2.8
Post by: stenrasmussen on March 23, 2016, 17:59:04
As to the squeak I am not convinced it has anything to do with the motor itself. The construction of the 17-35 is like the AF-S 24-70 for instance in which there are two circuit boards that can easily touch down on the rotating ring of the motor and thus cause a very annoying squeaky sound. I believe I showed this in another thread re. a repair attempt of a 24-70 in a hopeless condition.

Edit: Here's the thread:,2193.15.html
Title: Re: Nikon AF-S 17-35mm f2.8
Post by: jhinkey on March 23, 2016, 21:11:58
As to the squeak I am not convinced it has anything to do with the motor itself. The construction of the 17-35 is like the AF-S 24-70 for instance in which there are two circuit boards that can easily touch down on the rotating ring of the motor and thus cause a very annoying squeaky sound. I believe I showed this in another thread re. a repair attempt of a 24-70 in a hopeless condition.

Edit: Here's the thread:,2193.15.html

Is there any way to easily see if this is in fact the case and to be cured with some minor adjustment?

APS wants ~450 for a full CLA and motor replacement, which might be worth it just for the CLA.  They say that a CLA will include replacement of wearing components in the focusing and zoom mechanism in addition to the motor replacement.
Title: Re: Nikon AF-S 17-35mm f2.8
Post by: Erik Lund on March 23, 2016, 21:21:38
Nikon took a patent on a new motor stator/rotor design to avoid squeak where the blocks and spaces are distributed unevenly. You can see similar on for instance the rubber blocks of a car tires.
I believe it's indicated in the serial no shift
Title: Re: Nikon AF-S 17-35mm f2.8
Post by: Roland Vink on March 23, 2016, 21:57:30
You mean the shift from the first series 200001 - 30xxxx to the second series 400001 - 43xxxx ?

Could be. But almost every Nikkor got a new serial number at the same time in early 2006. it coincided with the announcement from Nikon that they were discontinuing most film cameras, most AIS lenses and many AF lenses designed for film, so they could focus on digital imaging. So I don't think the new serial number is particular to the 17-35 and the change in AFS motor, more likely that is a "silent" update. I always thought the new serial numbers just marked a change in organisation within Nikon, not any real change to the lens lineup. There was one change at this point: before this Nikon used one black screw in the lens mount at 12 o'clock to help the photographer orientate the lens for mounting while looking at the rear. The black screw was discontinued with the new series.
Title: Re: Nikon AF-S 17-35mm f2.8
Post by: Erik Lund on March 23, 2016, 22:00:56
Could very well be a silent upgrade, but I believe there are two different motors for that lens.
I continue to add the top black screw to my lenses, it's very distinct even at night to see the black against the shiny mount ;)
Title: Re: Nikon AF-S 17-35mm f2.8
Post by: John Geerts on March 24, 2016, 08:27:54
I have a sample with serial 217xxx. Luckily never noticed anything with the motor

Here some recent images with the 17-35
Title: Re: Nikon AF-S 17-35mm f2.8
Post by: Bjørn Rørslett on March 24, 2016, 08:45:41
Last sample is great !!

My lens  is from 1999 and squeaks badly after a period of not being used. After some "warming up" it is usually quite silent, until next time it is used when the cycle repeats itself.
Title: Re: Nikon AF-S 17-35mm f2.8
Post by: John Geerts on March 24, 2016, 08:56:21
Thanks Bjørn.

My lens is around 2000, but when I bought it in 2007 it had also a somewhat squeaks behaviour, probably because it hadn't be used too much. That disappeared after frequent usage and has gone.
Title: Re: Nikon AF-S 17-35mm f2.8
Post by: Fons Baerken on March 25, 2016, 08:35:49

My  copy #206955 definitely shows its age, the distance metering doesnt always seem to work correctly, autofocus on the D300 if i remember stopped working sometimes oh yeah it squeaks.
And the HB-23 got cracked,
still a fine piece of glass ;)
Title: Re: Nikon AF-S 17-35mm f2.8
Post by: John Geerts on March 25, 2016, 09:07:54
My HB-23 got cracked as well :)

I used the lens a lot on the DX camera's but somehow the D700 was not a real match. The Df and D800E work better with the 17-35.

Also very suited for close-ups and usable with the 6T which gives a nice round effect at @17mm
Title: Re: Nikon AF-S 17-35mm f2.8
Post by: Fons Baerken on March 25, 2016, 09:44:55
John my thoughts exactly it was horrible on the D700 much better on the D800 and Df cameras


both images from a D800, Herperduin, Januari 2014

Title: Re: Nikon AF-S 17-35mm f2.8
Post by: JJChan on March 25, 2016, 13:51:03
Thanks and lovely shots Fons & John

Title: Re: Nikon AF-S 17-35mm f2.8
Post by: JJChan on March 25, 2016, 15:10:48
Looking through archives I found that I have hardly used mine since I got rid of D700 in Feb 2013
I thought it wouldn't hold up with the D800 so I will take it out again!

It had fine microcontrast - not excessive - but enough to render textures well on D700

Title: Re: Nikon AF-S 17-35mm f2.8
Post by: John Geerts on March 25, 2016, 15:22:38
Yes, in my experience, and Fons agrees, the 17-35   improves on the D800 (and Df as well)  I am looking forward to your results.
Title: Re: Nikon AF-S 17-35mm f2.8
Post by: JJChan on April 27, 2016, 14:21:05
Finally had some time to get out of the city...

Some recent 17-35mm with the D800E - Fons and John are right - it does look remarkably crisp with the D800E.

First shot show residual smoke in the near distance from burning of the chaff. This is just before seeding with canola.

The second shot is the driveway to the farm.
Title: Re: Nikon AF-S 17-35mm f2.8
Post by: Jakov Minić on April 27, 2016, 14:38:59
The 17-35 is a very versatile lens  ;D
Title: Re: Nikon AF-S 17-35mm f2.8
Post by: Thomas G on April 27, 2016, 17:31:09
Fun :-)
Obviously a lens that influences your personal sharpness vector  ???
Title: Re: Nikon AF-S 17-35mm f2.8
Post by: golunvolo on April 27, 2016, 19:19:28
I had one, a lot of fun and eye opener to new possibilities and a high quality standards with the d200. This is:

  1 having a go to light games

  2 My bike in the desert.

3 My bike in the desert again. I may point out flare behavior but I just want to show off the bike again... :)

  4 With this lenses I started to think about distorted reality

5 With pro glass, you tend to get bold and take on my first ever artist photoshoot. I loved it. I still do.
Title: Re: Nikon AF-S 17-35mm f2.8
Post by: Jakov Minić on April 27, 2016, 19:57:52
Paco the 5th one is really funny :)
The model is female in real life, but her shadow reviles the true gender :)
Title: Re: Nikon AF-S 17-35mm f2.8
Post by: Frank Fremerey on April 27, 2016, 20:58:30
Lots of wonderful shots ... correct: ... impressive shots ... reveal not much about the lens but all the more about the fact that we have some VERY FINE photographers on this forum!

In detail:

1) Paco's artist shooting ist very expressive, very stylish and a super composition & lighting choice.
2) JJChan's landscapes show a masterful use of light and space, esp. because eediting is very subtle here, next to none. WOW!
3) Fons's landscape are more of the documentary kind but with subtle undertones into the pictorial direction. Love them!
4) John's first shot in #10 is a superb piece of photo but sure not a proof of any lenses qualities.

Tempting for the lens quality I can only see JJChan's shots, but this might also be due to subtle and masterful post processing bringing the details in such a way that they do not jump me in the face but say: "hey, I am there!".
Title: Re: Nikon AF-S 17-35mm f2.8
Post by: golunvolo on April 27, 2016, 21:45:36
 ;D ;D ;D ;D

  Jakov! I can´t look at that image the way I use to anymore!!!

   Thanks Frank, I agree with your points of view too.
Title: Re: Nikon AF-S 17-35mm f2.8
Post by: JJChan on April 28, 2016, 09:13:25
Frank - Thank you for compliments - not masterful post processing - none apart from some horizon straightening and minimal shadow lifting - just a good lens!
Paco - Always wonder at your masterful lighting


Title: Re: Nikon AF-S 17-35mm f2.8
Post by: John Geerts on April 28, 2016, 09:45:55
Beautiful examples Paco, Jakov and JJ

Thanks Frank. The 17-35 is pretty versatile.   Makes it difficult to show photo's what the lens can deliver.  ;)                        It's sharp and can focus till 28cm with a fixed f/2.8 and goes from extreme wide (17mm) to normal wide.

Also a very good performer on the Nikon D600, posted before in the B&W theme


and in the 366 day topic


Title: Re: Nikon AF-S 17-35mm f2.8
Post by: beryllium10 on May 02, 2016, 06:52:25
All - very nice photos.  Having recently moved from a DX to FX camera I need a general-purpose wide AF lens, and these photos speak well of the 17-35 f/2.8.  I find the sturdy build of this lens, and the aperture ring, appealing compared to the 16-35 mm f/4 and the 18-35 mm f/3.5-4.5 G lenses. 

JJ - I'm intrigued by your Australian farm/landscape photos, and trying to place them.  I'm guessing New South Wales, but mainly because I've travelled through the NSW central west a lot and am not nearly so familiar with country Victoria (or Queensland).  Assuming I'm not completely wrong (which I could well be ...) I'd guess perhaps somewhere near the Lachlan - Young? Cowra? Grenfell?.  Or maybe further north towards Dubbo?  Anyway, I'll enjoy discovering how far off I am. 

Cheers,  John
Title: Re: Nikon AF-S 17-35mm f2.8
Post by: JJChan on May 02, 2016, 07:49:45

JJ - I'm intrigued by your Australian farm/landscape photos, and trying to place them.  I'm guessing New South Wales, but mainly because I've travelled through the NSW central west a lot and am not nearly so familiar with country Victoria (or Queensland).  Assuming I'm not completely wrong (which I could well be ...) I'd guess perhaps somewhere near the Lachlan - Young? Cowra? Grenfell?.  Or maybe further north towards Dubbo?  Anyway, I'll enjoy discovering how far off I am. 

Cheers,  John

John - hi!
Photos are from my mum in laws farm near York Western Australia. I would say that the country is very very similar to NSW Central coast
Granite hills, farmland interspersed, originally wheat/sheep now diversified with olives, canola and wheat with sheep. A lot of tourism too.

My M-I-L farm is really hobby farm - no income - she has donkeys, alpacas guinea fowl, no crops

Title: Re: Nikon AF-S 17-35mm f2.8
Post by: JJChan on May 02, 2016, 08:00:39

Also a very good performer on the Nikon D600, posted before in the B&W theme

Nice textures colour and composition John -

I have a D600 at work and will have a play!

Title: Re: Nikon AF-S 17-35mm f2.8
Post by: beryllium10 on May 02, 2016, 16:17:09
Photos are from my mum in laws farm near York Western Australia.
... only missed by about 3000 km! The gently rolling granite landscape should have got me thinking further afield - the Eyre Peninsula in South Australia would have been another possibility.  My parents are West Australian, from the wheat belt out beyond Northam.  I visited several times as a kid, but haven't been out into that country since the 1970s.  I have photos somewhere, taken on my first camera (not counting my mother's Box Brownie).  It was a Konica rangefinder.  Will look forward to more photos from this part of the world!

Cheers - John
Title: Re: Nikon AF-S 17-35mm f2.8
Post by: John Geerts on May 13, 2016, 08:39:07
Thanks JJ

With the Df some examples at 17mm and wide open.  I repaired the broke HB-23, so it's in use again ;)
Title: Re: Nikon AF-S 17-35mm f2.8
Post by: the solitaire on May 13, 2016, 10:49:36
John, what did you use to correct lens distortion in those pictures? They look excellent!
Title: Re: Nikon AF-S 17-35mm f2.8
Post by: John Geerts on May 13, 2016, 11:15:47
Thanks Buddy. Actually I tried the automatic distortion correction in CC/ Camera raw, but that didn't give the wanted results (over-correction). I just straightened the horizon, and applied a very slight barrel-correction and some vignetting (wide open).  (it's not 100% perfect in my eyes)

Most important with the 17mm is get the framing right when taking the shot, a lot depends on how perspective is used, a few cm. movement can change it.
Title: Re: Nikon AF-S 17-35mm f2.8
Post by: John Geerts on August 07, 2016, 13:30:24
Also posted in 366 days,4061.45.html (,4061.45.html)
Title: Re: Nikon AF-S 17-35mm f2.8
Post by: Jakov Minić on August 07, 2016, 14:10:08
John, the sun, the clouds and the blue skies. Wonderful.
Title: Re: Nikon AF-S 17-35mm f2.8
Post by: John Geerts on August 07, 2016, 21:30:21
Thanks, Jakov. 
Title: Re: Nikon AF-S 17-35mm f2.8
Post by: stenrasmussen on August 07, 2016, 22:16:07
Excellent demonstration of this lens' capabilities.
Title: Re: Nikon AF-S 17-35mm f2.8
Post by: benveniste on August 07, 2016, 23:38:43
Pretty simple subject, but I like the diagonals.
Title: Re: Nikon AF-S 17-35mm f2.8
Post by: John Geerts on August 08, 2016, 12:15:55
Thanks Sten.   Nice diagonals, Benveniste.

A nine Photo-stitch makes the 17-35mm a kind of Fisheye  ;) 

D800E -  @24mm f/8  in portraitmode  Posted also in    Stitched Photo (,1597.150.html)
