
Images => Nature, Flora, Fauna & Landscapes => Topic started by: Andrew on February 04, 2016, 21:08:46

Title: Another quarrel...
Post by: Andrew on February 04, 2016, 21:08:46
D750 with 300/4+TC II, monopod, gimbal, blind.

On the left young  buzzard, on the right juvenil  chicken hawk, smaller, younger but v.vocal and aggressive and this youngster was the king of this feeding point.

Title: Re: Another quarrel...
Post by: Seapy on February 04, 2016, 21:57:58
Brilliant capture!

From the look of the last image you are next on the list...   ;)
Title: Re: Another quarrel...
Post by: Anthony on February 04, 2016, 22:38:50
Raw nature!
Title: Re: Another quarrel...
Post by: BillO on February 05, 2016, 02:44:19
Fantastic series, made all the more so with the lens/tc combination.

With my D6XX cams I've only been able to get good autofocus with the very central focus point and that lens/tc combination which makes action sequences like this next to impossible.  Yet you have managed to get the heads and eyes sharp on not just one, but both birds while they're fighting.  Very impressive.
Title: Re: Another quarrel...
Post by: Andrew on February 05, 2016, 10:15:40
Thank, thank you, guys!

Re: AF-I am all time fighting with always not good enough AF. I had D600, later 610 and trade it for D750. It's improvement-yes, but still fare away from ideal.
Maybe D500???

I am still learning how to used AF!
And one more comment: normally I am using ""Big Gun"" -200-400 with TC14III, now it is in the service-is 10y old and once I spill sweet tea, very complicated tusk-but in mean time I was using 300+TC-because this set is much smaller and lighter was possible to shoot deep from the bling, with big lens was always protruding outside.

That all rambling of Old Fart about shooting....
Title: Re: Another quarrel...
Post by: Jørgen Ramskov on February 05, 2016, 13:36:52
Impressive series!
Title: Re: Another quarrel...
Post by: Akira on February 05, 2016, 14:24:34
Marvelous images as the first series in another thread.  Thanks for sharing!
Title: Re: Another quarrel...
Post by: Andrew on February 05, 2016, 18:10:14
Well, well-I am growing , so many compliments!
Title: Re: Another quarrel...
Post by: Peter Connan on February 05, 2016, 19:25:24
Wow! Stunning.