Images => Nature, Flora, Fauna & Landscapes => Topic started by: JohnBrew on January 15, 2016, 03:05:02
D810, Zeiss 55 1.4, 390 seconds
Same as before.
Thanks for all replies.
I prefer the color version of this image. The colors are soft enough that they are not distracting, had the colors been more strong I would say bw.
color definitely. lets my eyes wander, while my eye remains static on the BW. Very nice gradients.
Color for me to. The subtle tones enhance the image, they don't distract.
The b&w filtering is not up to the airy tonality of the color version.
Color it is.
Color for me, the tone palette is anyway so mono like, for B&W conversion of this image I would go for much more Hard look...
thanks Erik, I was working out how to say that a few hours ago :)
John, the subtle tonal differences work much better for me in the colour version which I like a lot ;D In the B&W my eyes are immediately drawn to the Black post at the end of the walkway and then have to work at seeing the entire image.
In the colour version my eyes started at the bottom and worked my way up through the entire image. Not sure if that is good or bad but if there as something more interesting where the black pole is, person , boat, wreck,.... I would probably be happier with my eyes going there first :) . In a different composition the walkway would be the leading line drawing me to...probably disappointment ;)
As the folks before me, I like the blues, hence the color version.
the colour image is a bit dead in tones. Jack up with a curves correction and it comes to life is a subtle way. its a great image and works beautifully - for me just needs the little bit of extra attention. My opinion on it :)
I will post my interpretation if you want to see what I mean.
Thanks, everyone for your thoughts. I can see what Elsa meant and I'll try it. Meanwhile, Elsa, feel free to post your version.
I should mention this is only a 72dpi jpeg and also it was cropped top and bottom.
With the softness of the long exposure I suspect that a higher resolution image will not substantially improve the viewing for internet.
just my interpretation.
I think its one of those images that you can interpret a 100 ways to sunday
Thank you, Elsa. Nice work.
I agree that interpretation is certainly at the whim of the viewer.
One more for color. There is an interesting almost monochrome sensation that makes the pastel colors so alive and interesting
color hands down
It's a great image, John. In the comparison with the rather flat B&W the colour one is stronger.
Out of curiosity I experimented a bit on a B&W version based on the original color. If you'r interested I can post it.
John - it seems this is actually a perfect image for a group challenge - so many options :)
John - it seems this is actually a perfect image for a group challenge - so many options :)
Sounds good to me!
B&W. The subtle geometric composition looks more fitting with the B&W than the half-baked color. And actually I love the B&W version!
Thank you, Akira!
One of my photographer friends liked the bw version because he said it had a zen feeling. I believe any image that motivates someone on a different level is one worth a further perusing.
I haven't printed this image yet, but I probably will do a large print at some point. My friend and I agree that every image we take is an experiment so really all I can say is the experimenting continues!
John, I have a (strong) tendency to prefer simpler, stripped-down things in general. The abstraction of the waves by the long exposure is a very interesting way to simplify even the already beautiful landscape.
I like the B&W version more out of the two.
It was interesting to then scroll down & see people's reasons for choosing colour.
The B&W version reminds me of looking out to the North Sea from the Essex coastline (UK).
I find the the B&W version darker and more mysterious. I like both though and find the image excellent.