Travelogues => Travel Diaries => Topic started by: golunvolo on February 27, 2025, 23:43:11
It is that time of the year. Birna has just arrived after a looong travel. We are setting up, only a few pieces of gear on the table but I already have a taste of the 35mm 1.4 non Nikkor (thank you Birna!).
We will keep you posted.
I can't wait!
We are already at work.
Z9, 105 2.8 mc
Thank You :(
Paco meets his Nemesis
So nice too see 8) Do enjoy the meetup! ;D
Spanish Garbage Cans are the Best.
Be aware of the Spanish dog :)
We got some big strawberries today. They come from a nearby city -Conil- famous for tasty vegetables and fruits.
D5, 16mm 2.8
Specially for Akira, a little of japanese culture in my kitchen
D5, 16mm 2.8d
Waiting and ready for massive invasion during the summer.
D5, 58mm 1.4g
Streetphoto RGB
D5, 58mm 1.4g
Good to see this. Keep them coming!
Great ! Have fun there !
Paco is diffused by Spanish light.
When I did arrive in El Puerto de Santa Maria and had to wait for Paco to pick me up, the only Cafeteria closed. How nice.
Close encounters of the third kind.
Z9, 105mm 2.8
Paco is not shooting the obvious subjects.
This meeting are a gift.
Z9, 105mm 2.8 mc
The meetup looks very artistic!
Thank you Akira!
They broke the sign ;D
Z9, 105mm 2.8 mc
Meet Raquel, we had such a nice evening all together at the beach.
Even if we had some rain, very unusual. This family was running up to safety
Rain and a 105 macro lens
Window light.
D5, 58mm 1.4g
They force me to put up two images of myself by Birna. Here they are: "the pirate" and "the devil in disguise" Chosen by Raquel and Birna herself.
D5, 58mm 1.4g
Valdelagrana beach front. IR with Paco's 28/1.4.
Truly great images! The subjects and Spanish light are amazing 8)
They broke the sign ;D
Z9, 105mm 2.8 mc
Totally love it
Short visit today to an open air modern museum close to Vejer de la Frontera.
D5300 ir 720nm, 70-300mm vr
The beginning of the tour started on the pink zone, number 13, of course.
I have not been very creative lately but being with Birna, this reminds me of the the kind of work she inspired on me for many years.
Z9, 105mm 2.8 mc
I'm borrowing Birna's copy of the 105 mc. This way of getting to know gear is very dangerous for the wallet. The lens is phenomenal.
Z9, 105mm 2.8 mc
We stop in a "venta" by the road to eat rice with iberic meat and "cachopo", a special treat of deep fried meat with ham and cheese. Anyway, there were storks a plenty around, flying and making sounds.
Z9, 105mm 2.8 mc also flawless on distant objects
Peaking through the fence.
Z9, 105mm 2.8 mc
Great stuff with the 105MC Paco. Super lens indeed
Great stuff with the 105MC Paco. Super lens indeed
+1, yes the 105 is a very good lens, and makes wonder in creative hands.
The Spanish Garden
Youngster skulking outside the Police Station.
Thank you John, Bent. It is indeed a great lens.
I don't need one, I don't need one, I don't need one... ;D
Thank you John, Bent. It is indeed a great lens.
I don't need one, I don't need one, I don't need one... ;D
I bet you have one at my next visit :)
House for sale. Good price if you hurry.
The complete Spanish Garden
House for sale. Good price if you hurry.
bit of roofing
A random picture from today's walk around the "reptil site"
D200, 18-70, edited in photoshop and Exposure X7
Listening to the reptile susurrations.
We had an unexpected downpour on the way home. In Spain it also rains from time to time...
Z9, 105mm 2.8 MC
Trying to stem the flooding water -- not an easy task !!
Beach front by nightfall.
Fighting and fitting the 10.5mm dx (shaved) on the Z9 to force it to shoot in FX mode needs some tape, toothpick or similar not to shoot fully closed, some skill to combine the resulting shots in a full circle image. There you go: Línea de autobús urbano
Z9, 10.5mm 2.8 on fx mode
Now that we got it...let's use it :)
Love spot in El Puerto de Santa María. You do see a lot of people using this to take a selfie.
Z9, 10.5mm 2.8 on fx mode, two shots combined
A couple more from the reptile place.
d200 ir, 18-70 3.5-4.5 ed dx
That place took most of the morning, it is a gold mine
d200 ir, 18-70 3.5-4.5 ed dx
I can't think of a better place for a wild cat that a warm port with plenty of fresh tunna
d200 ir, 18-70 3.5-4.5 ed dx
Cape Marigold Arctotheca calendula is an invasive South African species, but also has beautiful flowers.
Taken with the AFD Fisheye Nikkor 16mm f/2.8 and has undergone a small surgery by the Proxel PS plugin. It works.
An apartment building watched by a Draco tree to keep strangers away.
In an open-air contemporary art exhibition, even the garbage cans play an important role.
Fisheye in movement
Z9, 10.5mm 2.8 on fx mode
Am enjoying your interactions!
Look as a very inspiring trip, enjoy.
A couple more from the reptile place.
d200 ir, 18-70 3.5-4.5 ed dx
Incredible, in the background the anchors of the almadraba
An apartment building watched by a Draco tree to keep strangers away.
Very good, and also a bit of humor
Thank you Akira, Bent, Arturo
Incredible, in the background the anchors of the almadraba
Spot on. That is exactly what it is ;)
Today we tried the most south part of Spain, usually with great views of Africa but here we had cold, rain and very low clouds. Behind all of that, I swear, was the mount Atlas.
latitude 36° 3' 14,01" N, longitude 5° 33' 0,93" O
Z9, 35mm 1.4 nonikkor courtesy of Birna
We went chasing windmills from Tarifa up the coast until Vejer de la Frontera. Here still with cold and rain
D200 ir, 70-300 3.5-4.5 vr
The two images trick is getting old ;D
Z9, 10.5mm 2.8 shaved and used in fx mode.
Windmill chasers. There are a lot in this parts.
Z9, 35mm 1.4 nonikkor
Arrival to the beach in Tarifa, specifically "Punta Paloma", a well known place for kites and windsurfing.
The invisible man
D200 ir, 70-300 3.5-4.5 vr
Wind shapes everything around here.
D200 ir, 70-300 3.5-4.5 vr
Get the number on the kite... ;D
D200 ir, 70-300 3.5-4.5 vr
Z9, 35mm 1.4 nonikkor
Getting to the water is no easy feat.
Z9, 35mm 1.4 nonikkor
Last of the windmills chasers, lord of the floating rings, close to Zahara de los Atunes. Beautiful place by the beach with many good restaurants in the summer.
D200 ir, 70-300 3.5-4.5 vr
The famous bridge, this time as a b<ckdrop.
The endearing small grass Lamarckia aureata
chasing windmils is a pipe dream.
Paco buys fresh tuna at the Fish Market ... looking forward to a delicious meal later today :)
(tuna dish was excellent - Paco might find an alternate position as a chef!!)
An avid newspaper reader in Puerto de Santa Maria. The gentleman was preoccupied with his newspaper and didn't observe me at all. Or he was a clever spy?
Paco buys fresh tuna at the Fish Market ... looking forward to a delicious meal later today :)
Thanks :)
Close to the market, on the Basilica's square, there was a lot of storks activity. The 105mm mc performed even with bif. This is a single shot with some cropping.
Z9, 105mm 2.8 MC
this picture is outstanding !
this picture is outstanding !
Thank you! but sorry to ask, which one?
RGB macro. Once again, the detail is very, very good.
I don't need one ;D
Z9, 105mm 2.8 MC
It looks like "atomatica" must be kept under strict control
Z9, 105mm 2.8 MC
From my window. The coming of the 'upsidedown'
D200 ir, 300mm 2.8 vrII
Welcome to the Jungle.
Bus Stop
Sunset palms
Thank you! but sorry to ask, which one?
Two birds in the sky , really !
Thank you!
Truly great images! The subjects and Spanish light are amazing 8)
How did I miss this... Thank you Erik!
Totally love it
Thank you Frank, much appreciated
Thanks :)
Close to the market, on the Basilica's square, there was a lot of storks activity. The 105mm mc performed even with bif. This is a single shot with some cropping.
Z9, 105mm 2.8 MC
Beautiful, Paco
I keep enjoying the creativity in this thread, keep them coming. Of special mention:
The famous bridge, this time as a b<ckdrop.
The harmonic shape of the plants vs the little child.
Close to the market, on the Basilica's square, there was a lot of storks activity. The 105mm mc performed even with bif. This is a single shot with some cropping.
Z9, 105mm 2.8 MC
The different nearly 90° angle between the storks really makes it.
An avid newspaper reader in Puerto de Santa Maria. The gentleman was preoccupied with his newspaper and didn't observe me at all. Or he was a clever spy?
Nice, Birna, what camera?
Thanks :)
Close to the market, on the Basilica's square, there was a lot of storks activity. The 105mm mc performed even with bif. This is a single shot with some cropping.
Z9, 105mm 2.8 MC
Directional, great one!
Nice, Birna, what camera?
With the modified Z5 and the Nikkor 40mm and BG-40 filter to make it approx. visible-light compatible.
Nobody sees me?
Thank you all for the nice comments.
Still images to process from my Spanish meet-up with dear Paco.
I enjoyed reading 'Klara and the Sun' by Kazuo Ishiguro on my return travel, thus only natural to make this image from 'The Reptile Park' at Barbate :)