Images => Themes, Portfolio Series, PaW, or PaM => Your Weekly Blog => Topic started by: Birna Rørslett on August 01, 2024, 09:51:11
Summer is inevitably drawing to a close ... August is here.
Post your "blog" contributions here. No theme (other than what the passage of time creates), no contest implied, a maximum of one picture per day in the actual month for NG Supporters and no more than 8 images per month for NG members. Enjoy!
Happy Birthday Helvetia!
D850 & Neo Noct
Still in the south of Italy, la Puglia region, tasting wines of "Pruina". A family owned winery and vines. A most wonderful evening in nature with new and old friends, eating, drinking and watching the sun go down.
Picture by Carlos with the Z9 and 85mm 1.8
From Paco to Baco
*The* perfect model for Bacchus :) Enjoy.
*The* perfect model for Bacchus :) Enjoy.
Yes I have to agree :)
Circular section of the Kaktus Towers ( here in Copenhagen.
I am envious! Lucky bugger! ;D
Yes I have to agree :)
I am envious! Lucky bugger! ;D
Yes I have to agree :)
*The* perfect model for Bacchus :) Enjoy.
Thank you all. I'll do my best to try and enjoy it.. 8) ; ;)
Paco might be having more fun than my daughter. Although I would not bet on it ;D
Nikon Zf, 105mm f/2.5 pre-AI.
Paco might be having more fun than my daughter. Although I would not bet on it ;D
Nikon Zf, 105mm f/2.5 pre-AI.
I wouldn't bet on it either ;D
Pick one...
Z6, 24.70mm 4S
Paco shows a message clear as ink (Norwegian saying).
Nice. We have a similar saying: "As clear as mud". Same thing. ;D
Paco shows a message clear as ink (Norwegian saying).
Today, I had to open the third photo exhibition of my Parsons-sticken friend all by myself. He was just hospitalised (again) yesterday. We got a nice venue for the exhibition with lots of traffic coming through.
Neo Noct for wildlife
Still in the south of Italy, la Puglia region, tasting wines of "Pruina". A family owned winery and vines. A most wonderful evening in nature with new and old friends, eating, drinking and watching the sun go down.
I love you and hope to see you again soon
Pick one...
Z6, 24.70mm 4S
Clear message: "Stop going straigt NOW"
Paco might be having more fun than my daughter. Although I would not bet on it ;D
Nikon Zf, 105mm f/2.5 pre-AI.
She certainly looks like knowing exactly what she wants to do and no force in the world could prevent it! Lovely shot.
Sensor cleaning still recommended
The dinosaurs are alive and kicking. Eat them before they eat you!
Today, I had to open the third photo exhibition of my Parsons-sticken friend all by myself. He was just hospitalised (again) yesterday. We got a nice venue for the exhibition with lots of traffic coming through.
Sorry to hear about his condition. I hope he is getting some solace from the exhibition
Gallipoli. Still trying that elusive "streetphotography"
Z6, 24-70mm f4
You are just about getting there :)
You are just about getting there :)
Thanks for the encouragement!
I love you and hope to see you again soon
Thank you Frank. How was Salamanca?
Visiting the cemetery in Oria.
In the light.
Z6, 24-70mm f4
Älplermesse Klewenalp
D850 & 24mm f/1.8
Visiting the cemetery in Oria.
In the light.
Z6, 24-70mm f4
Well seen and captured, Paco!
Night street.
Sony A7IV, FE40mm/f2.5.
Wedding in Dokkum, as we were in north Friesland for a week.
(Still experiencing focus issues with the Zf, the 35/1.8S or 24/1.8S unfortunately)
I came across similar findings in a review by Dustin Abbott,
My only complaint for stills is that on a few occasions when shooting landscapes that focus would randomly jump right at capture to the very front of the frame, leaving most of the scene out of focus even when shooting at smaller apertures like F5.6: (
If you go down to the woods today.....
If you go down to the woods today.....
Very nice !!
geometrical experiment
Wedding in Dokkum, as we were in north Friesland for a week.
(Still experiencing focus issues with the Zf, the 35/1.8S or 24/1.8S unfortunately)
I came across similar findings in a review by Dustin Abbott, (
is that an issue / problem with the newest firmware?
Älplermesse Klewenalp
D850 & 24mm f/1.8
very beautiful scene and capture
Thank you Frank. How was Salamanca?
not my cup of beer ... I went to Pays de Basque from there and liked it much better...
is that an issue / problem with the newest firmware?
Frank i don't know need to do some more research, but its quite annoying!
Boatride with Zf & Z 35mm 1.8
Kruidhof, Buitenpost, Friesland
Purple loosestrife, Lythrum salicaria
Zf - Z 35mm f/1.8S
Frank i don't know need to do some more research, but its quite annoying!
My troubles with Nikon AF are that there is a new AF System in every camera and I do have to check everything, even the stuff I do not understand.
On my holidays I set the Zf to "AF-C & 3D tracking" and accidentially set the D850 to "AF-S & 3D-Tracking". Result are very beatiful cow shots I can all delete because of misfocussing. The cows are beautiful, not the shots.
Because most of my Zf shots are manually focussed I cannot contribute much to AF-issue-tracking
The issue seems random, the af system is software-hardware, although i think wider lenses at smaller apertures appear more susceptible, and minimum distances again. I rely on the af system for street stuff, that's where mostly the z35mm f/1.8S comes into play. Yet the eye focus is quite perfect! I re-updated firmware 1.20 will see where it gets me.
Well seen and captured, Paco!
Thank you Akira
Pinus vs Aluminium
Image shot at f2.8 on a Nikon Z6 + Nikkor 105mm f2.5 Ais lens with Techart TZM-02 + K&F F to L/M adapters
( ( ( by Luc de Schepper (, on Flickr
Going to the light
Z6, 24-70mm f4s
Nicely thought out (and caught). ;D
Going to the light
Z6, 24-70mm f4s
Going to the light
Z6, 24-70mm f4s
Superb light and composition Paco
Now I start to edit the shots of my long journey
Coast of Asturia. D850 & 2.0/200VR
Again I am unsure if the edit needs more brightness or more contrast or both
August 6
Cardoon flower, Cynara cardunculus
Zf - Zf 35mm f/2
Now I start to edit the shots of my long journey
Coast of Asturia. D850 & 2.0/200VR
Again I am unsure if the edit needs more brightness or more contrast or both
Thank you Hugh, Daniel. It was shot in an abandoned house in Oria. Huge place with an impressive amount of land around. It felt like the beginning of a horror movie ;D The light was beautiful
Now I start to edit the shots of my long journey
Coast of Asturia. D850 & 2.0/200VR
Again I am unsure if the edit needs more brightness or more contrast or both
Agree on both. I'll start with the brightness
She certainly looks like knowing exactly what she wants to do and no force in the world could prevent it! Lovely shot.
Thank you, Frank. You certainly have the measure of my daughter!
Agree on both. I'll start with the brightness
I'd start with brightness too.
thank you
Thank you, Frank. You certainly have the measure of my daughter!
My daughter is made of the same wood
Just after the sunset, seen from my tent:
( (
Kveldsstemning på Kollerandan ( by Asle Feten (, on Flickr
Heavy load
Agree on both. I'll start with the brightness
Is that it?
I'd start with brightness too.
Or should I really push it?
'the last version is getting there :)
Wonderful Asle - enjoy the peaceful moments
Also enjoying a wonderful night - went up to Mueterschwandenberg with my gravelbike and tent (minibar & TV)
Nikon Zf & 35mm 1.8
Or should I really push it?
Really pushing it is a question of personal taste. Since you asked, I´ll push it even a little more.
Same place and light as the last post.
Z6, 24-70mm f4s
Same place and light as the last post.
Z6, 24-70mm f4s
Awesome location
Thank you Armando. It is. Shame we didn't have any shoot to do, only this tests. The place have great potential
'the last version is getting there :)
I try to reproduce the feel of the moment I took the picture. Emotional fidelity. The original version is quite "there"
That's the problem we all face: getting the communcation across to any receivers. Humans are not telepathic and our sensors need external stimuli.
Signs of a storm showing on right side - came home dry
ZF & Z 35mm f/1.8
Signs of a storm showing on right side - came home dry
ZF & Z 35mm f/1.8
Great drama!
People walking on the 'wad', the seafloor at low tide!
Zf - Z 105mm f/2.8S
That's the problem we all face: getting the communcation across to any receivers. Humans are not telepathic and our sensors need external stimuli.
Well put! Certainly the first part.
Also enjoying a wonderful night - went up to Mueterschwandenberg with my gravelbike and tent (minibar & TV)
Nikon Zf & 35mm 1.8
Nice bar. Nice night pictures.
Beware of the male gaze :) irrespective of species affiliation, the intention is the same!!
From the last photo exhibition by my Parkinson-affected friend, he is now hospitalised and needs a lot of care. I'll try to do my best by visiting him every day plus be the sales manager for the exhibition.
People walking on the 'wad', the seafloor at low tide!
Zf - Z 105mm f/2.8S
Beautiful minimalist, better to watch on a bigger screen.
Spot on Fons! Emotionally charged
I try to reproduce the feel of the moment I took the picture. Emotional fidelity. The original version is quite "there"
Ah. I see it now. You need a photograph to establish the scene first. On its own, as you have discovered, people tend to get the wrong idea.
Paco thank you very much.
A new home
D850 58G
UV sunflowers. Taken with my old workhorse, Nikon D3200 with built-in Baader-U filter and the Coastal 60mm f/4 APO lens. Not high UV levels on a hazy day, yet I was able to get the shot with a hand-held camera.
People walking on the 'wad', the seafloor at low tide!
Zf - Z 105mm f/2.8S
very beautiful scene, nice scale!
That's the problem we all face: getting the communcation across to any receivers. Humans are not telepathic and our sensors need external stimuli.
sometimes a photo is not the right medium to express
Ah. I see it now. You need a photograph to establish the scene first. On its own, as you have discovered, people tend to get the wrong idea.
I tend to the principle of life long learning. Thank you
Going to be stormy.
A new home
D850 58G
A lovely pair John!
A new home
D850 58G
this is a picture to celebrate global cat day 2024
But thank god, every day is cat day.
Same sunflowers as last picture, however this time done in IR with the Laowa 11mm f/4.5. The wide angle in conjunction with IR filtering makes for a dramatic sky.
Interestingly, some flower head features are not IR-bright, which is unusual. The disk florets are IR dark, a parallel to the bracts (phyllaries) of dandelions which also appear IR black. The IR-dark phyllaries are seen on the sunflower heads too.
Birna, there's something weird in the version I'm viewing
A border between sharp and unsharp.
Almost like processing hadn't finished????
Going to be stormy.
Wonderfully atmospheric shot
Horse in the Sunset
very beautiful scene, nice scale!
Thank you Frank
A new home
D850 58G
Classic and lovely portrait.
Sanguisorba "Pink Brushes"
D850 - distagon zf2 35mm f/1.4
Going to be stormy.
Lovely shot. Strong atmospheric vibe with presence. Dinamic composition and the light is superb
Birna, there's something weird in the version I'm viewing
A border between sharp and unsharp.
Almost like processing hadn't finished????
Hm. I see this as well. Might be an upload error. I'l check the original.
Sanguisorba "Pink Brushes"
D850 - distagon zf2 35mm f/1.4
Delicious bokeh Fons
The weirdness must have occurred after upload, as this wasn't seen in the original. However, I took the opportunity of making a new version whilst at it.
Delicious bokeh Fons
Thank you Daniel
The weirdness must have occurred after upload, as this wasn't seen in the original. However, I took the opportunity of making a new version whilst at it.
Very nice the silver.
A lovely pair John!
Thanks Daniel
this is a picture to celebrate global cat day 2024
But thank god, every day is cat day.
Thanks Jürgen
Classic and lovely portrait.
Thank you Fons
On the Ferry
D850 28-300
I've become quite familiar to the inner layout and workings of the regional hospital, where my friend has been under intensive care and treatment for a week now.
The architecture is what is commonly conceived as 'modern Scandinavian', and to underscore this further, the walls are prominently decorated with excerpts from 'Kringla heimsins'.
From Wikipedia, slightly edited:
Heimskringla, or Kringla heimsins (Norwegian), is the best known of the Old Norse kings' sagas. It was written in Old Norse in Iceland. While authorship of Heimskringla is nowhere attributed, some scholars assume it is written by the Icelandic poet and historian Snorri Sturluson (1178/79–1241) c. 1230. The title Heimskringla was first used in the 17th century, derived from the first two words of one of the manuscripts (kringla heimsins, "the circle of the world").
Nikon Z fc, Nikkor 12-28mm f/3.5-5.6 PZ
UV sunflowers. Taken with my old workhorse, Nikon D3200 with built-in Baader-U filter and the Coastal 60mm f/4 APO lens. Not high UV levels on a hazy day, yet I was able to get the shot with a hand-held camera.
Always such an inspiration
Lost in Castelsaraceno. After crossing the famous tibetan bridge (longest in the world?) we had some difficulty finding our way back to main square. We asked in this door and the whole family on father, mother, grandmother, kids came out to give directions. The destination was 3 min away by foot ;D
Z6, 24-70mm f4s
Lost in Castelsaraceno. After crossing the famous tibetan bridge (longest in the world?) we had some difficulty finding our way back to main square. We asked in this door and the whole family on father, mother, grandmother, kids came out to give directions. The destination was 3 min away by foot ;D
Z6, 24-70mm f4s
Interesting had to look it up (
Interesting had to look it up (
Nice but a bit scary. The bridges I saw in Nepal had less openings between the boards.
Thanks for finding it.
Nice but a bit scary. The bridges I saw in Nepal had less openings between the boards.
Thanks for finding it.
Yes, that's the one. The video doesn't make it justice. Impressive views. I had a blast
sh to me
Lost in Castelsaraceno.- - ;D
Z6, 24-70mm f4s
Looks like an ambush to me, were you using the guy in blue as a decoy? ;D
Please post the bridge photos!
Wonderfully atmospheric shot
Thank you, Frank!
August 9
Rainy day, and sitting up with an injured foot.
A little composition.
Z7_2 - Voigtländer Nokton 58mm f/1.4 Slii
A flock of crows on their way to their sleeping trees.
Nikon Zf, Nikkor Z 400mm 1:4.5
A flock of crows on their way to their sleeping trees.
Nikon Zf, Nikkor Z 400mm 1:4.5
Lovely Jürgen
lovely crows ;)
I like this picture
August 9
Rainy day, and sitting up with an injured foot.
A little composition.
Z7_2 - Voigtländer Nokton 58mm f/1.4 Slii
Get well soon. Your pictures are still fine :)
+1 from me.
Nice colours here.
lovely crows ;)
I like this picture
A flock of crows ..
Actually a murder (in English at least) - a murder of crows - collective noun
Get well soon. Your pictures are still fine :)
Thank you Bent, taking a rest in the meantime
I was listening to Swedish scientist Jacob Nordangård.
Actually a murder (in English at least) - a murder of crows - collective noun
yes, You are totally right, I also found this term on Wikipedia; thought that only native speakers would understand this
Construction work at rest.
Nikon Zfc, Nikkor Z 400mm 1:4.5
A flock of crows on their way to their sleeping trees.
Nikon Zf, Nikkor Z 400mm 1:4.5
Beautiful graphic story Jürgen
Looks like an ambush to me, were you using the guy in blue as a decoy? ;D
Please post the bridge photos!
No good deed goes unpunished ;D ;D ;D
This is an image of the people walking behind us.
I felt like a bird everytime I looked out of the bridge.
Z6, 24-70mm f4s
Colin, Thomas, Hugh and Paco, thank you for your kind comments.
Playing catch-up during travel, this far away cloud-to-cloud lightening bolt over Oslo was captured with the 500mm PF more than a week ago. The bolts kept recurring in a distinct cloud formation at fairly regular intervals and were easy to catch with pre-capture on the Z8. Otherwise catching a lighting to occur within such a narrow angle of view would rather rather be by lucky chance.
'Plus Que Jamais'
(More than ever)
D850 - afs 17-35mm f/2.8 crop
Z9, 70-200 2.8 fl
This is an image of the people walking behind us.
I felt like a bird everytime I looked out of the bridge.
Z6, 24-70mm f4s
Whoo...I love those heights! I did a 800m zip line in Costa Rica once but cameras were not allowed.
Zf - Z40mm f/2
Entrance to UK (In Calais)
D850 28-300
Off road
A container ship outbound from the Port of Melbourne today. The outdoor gym facilities are not quite up to cruise ship standards.
All cats are grey at night
iPhone 12 Pro max
Dutch woman in stylish African Dress
Z6 + 24-70mm f4
( ( ( by Luc de Schepper (, on Flickr
New approach to dance pictures. Today I had a chance to be "on stage" and very close to the dancers. Also, they let me get really close to the action. I used the camera with almost pure instinct, moving around, pressing the shutter without looking, following the action. I was a happy man. Results are -at least for me- very interesting. No thought, no second chance.
D5, 24-70 2.8vr at around 35mm
Paco, loved the detail
X-T3 27mm f2.8
Paco, loved the detail
X-T3 27mm f2.8
Thank you Armando.
What kind of museum is that?
Paco, it is the art museum of the local university, the exhibitions changes every few months and I like gong there to see what is new , the exhibit in the photo is titled "belly button" ( ?!?!?! )
All cats are grey at night
iPhone 12 Pro max
Great shot. Night Cat.
Hot summer day in Torquay (UK)
D850 28-300
Paco, it is the art museum of the local university, the exhibitions changes every few months and I like gong there to see what is new , the exhibit in the photo is titled "belly button" ( ?!?!?! )
ombligo? :o ;D
August 12
Fuchsia 'Hawkshead' ?
Z7_2 - Z 105mm f/2.8S
Pretty used door...
D5, 24-70 2.8 vr
A flock of crows on their way to their sleeping trees.
Nikon Zf, Nikkor Z 400mm 1:4.5
I love it Jürgen
Yesterday afternoon I was with my wife in this place watching the sunset.
Nikon D750, Nikkor 15 mm 3.5 lens
Enjoying the evening sun
Torquay (UK)
D850 28-300
Yesterday afternoon I was with my wife in this place watching the sunset.
Nikon D750, Nikkor 15 mm 3.5 lens
Great. Shows desertness in the desert
Queen of the Night , Epiphyllum oxypetalum
before i went to bed last night
Z7_2 - Z105mm f/2.8S
Pretty used door...
D5, 24-70 2.8 vr
for me it looks more like a water pipe explosion
great shot with super dark theme
for me it looks more like a water pipe explosion
great shot with super dark theme
It is the back of a theater, part of the "black box" so you are completely right about the dark theme
Up close an personal. Rehearsal on stage.
D5, 24-70mm 2.8 vr
Teignmouth UK
D850 28-300
before the storm: a hole in the clouds
August 14
van Abbemuseum, Eindhoven
Zf - Voigtländer 35mm f/2
intriguing composition Fons. The elements combinations makes for an interesting result.
Thanks for sharing it
Meet M. Another talented dancer from the team in north Spain.
intriguing composition Fons. The elements combinations makes for an interesting result.
Thanks for sharing it
Thank you Paco!
Another one with the Voigtländer
The growth of Cumulonimbus.
Sony A6700 with FE35mm/f1.8.
X-t3 27mm f2.8
bikes the unending subject :)
Clutter - usually bad - sometimes interesting
Zf & Z 35mm 1.8 S
D850 AF-S 28-300
X-t3 27mm f2.8
bikes the unending subject :)
Love love it!!!!
before the storm: a hole in the clouds
Asturia 2024
Asturia 2024
Wonderful mountains !
Love love it!!!!
Thanks Frank
A colorful row of trucks at a roadside restaurant.
Z6 + 24-70mm f4
( ( ( by Luc de Schepper (, on Flickr
August 16
Working in the garden, preparing some beds for veggies!
Aralia californica
Z7_2 - Voigtländer 35mm f/2
First apple harvest, trees planted 2 years ago
First apple harvest, trees planted 2 years ago
Looks very nice
Was out today to photograph the Danish Circus award.
Indoor use of flash, but did still get some moving shown.
Any suggestions to what is the source of the problem? Too weak flash? ?
Z8 20-70 f4 SB-800 1/60 sec f5.6 ISO 800
Was out today to photograph the Danish Circus award.
Indoor use of flash, but did still get some moving shown.
Any suggestions to what is the source of the problem? Too weak flash? ?
Z8 20-70 f4 SB-800 1/60 sec f5.6 ISO 800
1/60 sec?
1/60 sec?
Yes I know, but I thought that the flash would freeze the motion.
Yes I know, but I thought that the flash would freeze the motion.
What was the flash mode? It looks like you have it on 2nd shutter curtain, that gives opportunity for blurring/movement before the flash happens.
Or ... it was still so light that 1/60 allowed enough of a visible image to form beside the flash.
What was the flash mode? It looks like you have it on 2nd shutter curtain, that gives opportunity for blurring/movement before the flash happens.
Or ... it was still so light that 1/60 allowed enough of a visible image to form beside the flash.
It was set to fill flash. I might be that the ambient light was the reasons, I did take some pictures without the flash without any problems, just higher ISO.
Sleeping with my brother
D3X 58G
Cumulonimbus and train in Kawasaki.
Sleeping with my brother
It was set to fill flash. I might be that the ambient light was the reasons, I did take some pictures without the flash without any problems, just higher ISO.
Ah, that's it then. Fill flash "helps" the ambient light, it doesn't overpower it. If you want sharp pictures in dark(er) situations, you'd have to have the flash as the 'master' light, not the ambient.
I use fill flash for example for indoor parties, where i use a higher ISO and a little pop of flash to bring more life to the picture, but the heavy lifting is then done by the ambient light.
Of course, YMMV
Knife workshop
Samsung mobile + lightroom
Knife workshop
Samsung mobile + lightroom
I like this look that you have gotten from the mobile. The typical HDR/filled-in shadows look is gone. Did you shoot it through Lightroom as a DNG file?
Thanks Ian
(and a greater impact than the b&w version)
Miserable weather so the guinea pig has to be my model to dabble with the Zf & 35mm 1.8
Howshe's cute Daniel!
Howshe's cute Daniel!
Many thanks Fons, they make my heart jump.
August 18
Zf - Voigtländer 35mm f/2
Bike racing, Postnord Danmark Rundt.
Last stage in Bagsværd
Z8 100-400 @100mm f5.6 1/400 sec
Love it! Nicely composed Bent
Love it! Nicely composed Bent
Thank you Daniel
Ceiling at Museum De Lakenhal, Leiden. This one took quite some editing on three layers to balance the lighting.
( ( ( by Luc de Schepper (, on Flickr
Ceiling at Museum De Lakenhal, Leiden. This one took quite some editing on three layers to balance the lighting.
( ( ( by Luc de Schepper (, on Flickr
The result is very fine
Thanks Bent, much appreciated.
Ceiling at Museum De Lakenhal, Leiden. This one took quite some editing on three layers to balance the lighting.
Its a beautiful ceiling and a fine end result Luc
Ceiling at Museum De Lakenhal, Leiden. This one took quite some editing on three layers to balance the lighting.
Wow, that's an exquisite dome! Your neat processing enhances its beauty very well.
August 19
Zf - Voigtländer 35 f/2
litte nightly visitor to our doorstep
iPhone 12 mini - by the time I got the Zf from upstairs it was gone...
I like this look that you have gotten from the mobile. The typical HDR/filled-in shadows look is gone. Did you shoot it through Lightroom as a DNG file?
Thanks pluton, I just edited the jpg
Stopped at a lookout to capture the clouds that were filling the canyon that I was going into
Samsung + lightroom
New fish. Not sure if the lens hood curve is a reflection or blocking flare....
Taipei Main Station
Nikon D700 + Nikkor 20mm f/3.5 ai
Photo taken in Mazarrón with my Nikon D750 and Nikkor 1000 mm 11 Reflex lens.
Photo taken in Mazarrón with my Nikon D750 and Nikkor 1000 mm 11 Reflex lens.
funny picture, thanks for sharing
New Titanic.
Z5, 40/2 SEZ, IR
funny picture, thanks for sharing
Thank you, Thomas.
Thanks pluton, I just edited the jpg
Stopped at a lookout to capture the clouds that were filling the canyon that I was going into
Samsung + lightroom
lovely landscape shot
Minimal stage.
Z9, 70-200 2.8 fl
August 21
Z7_2 - Voigtländer 35mm f/2
16/9 crop
Street life...
D700 24-70/VR
Street life...
D700 24-70/VR
part of a horror movie ?
White heron - heavy crop
X-t3 with 55-200 zoom
AF with this combo is slow, I have it in CF with shoot when in focus, after I click and it takes a moment to actuallly shoot, images are sharp but timing is not it's forte
lovely landscape shot
Frank, cheers !
part of a horror movie ?
White heron - heavy crop
X-t3 with 55-200 zoom
AF with this combo is slow, I have it in CF with shoot when in focus, after I click and it takes a moment to actuallly shoot, images are sharp but timing is not it's forte
Interesting dynamic composition.
Paco, gracias
part of a horror movie ?
No it's part of an 'Art in Public Space festival named 'Kaapstad' (
Safe House (or Cage) from Atelier van Lieshout. Part of the same festival
D700 24-70VR
August 22
Passes the hearse, passes a friend
Zf - Z35mm f/1.8S
August 22
Passes the hearse, passes a friend
Zf - Z35mm f/1.8S
Yesterday I photographed this dragonfly fallen into a raft, it has some kind of dark insects devouring it
Front and back with the minimalist thread.
Late evening in La Línea
Z9, 70-300 in dx mode
Airy thank you, respect
Ferry is quickly filled to capacity by the heavy summer traffic. A nuisance on the rugged Norwegian coastline where ferry crossings are part of everyday life.
Nikon Z5, Nikkor 40mm f/2 sZ, IR
Ningxia night market in Taipei, Taiwan
Nikon D700 + Nikkor 28mm f/2.8 ais
Nikon Zf, 400mm 4.5
One of my favourite buildings in a most beautiful morning light
Melting Men
D700 24-70/2.8VR
Melting Men
D700 24-70/2.8VR
Very intriguing! Is it a work by an artist?
Melting Men
D700 24-70/2.8VR
I just love this: the situation, presentation and your timing to get full emotional impact.
Thanks for sharing it!
Protected by love.
Z9, 24-70 2.8vr
Rainbow in an umbrella.
Setting up a polytunnel
Z fc - 16-50mm f/3.5~6.3
Lille, Citadelle (by Vauban, revised by mother nature).
Zf, Voigt 50/1 wide open.
Protected by love.
Z9, 24-70 2.8vr
Rainbow in an umbrella.
Both images are lovely
Cloudy day at the lake
Iliked the light reflections and the wooden pier
Samsung mobile + LR
Nice reflections indeed.
Does your phone camera provide you with RAW files?
Cloudy day at the lake
I liked the light reflections and the wooden pier
Samsung mobile + LR
Thanks Paco and Akira.
Yes it's called 'minumum monument' and work of Néle Azevedo, a Brazilian artist. (
Rainbow in an umbrella.
Great shot Birna.
August 25
Zf - Voigtländer 35mm f/2
Airport blues
Nice reflections indeed.
Does your phone camera provide you with RAW files?
It has that capability
but I find the jpg are enough, I have tried processing the dng and they are not much more flexible than the jpg
so I stick with the jpg files
Cloudy day at the lake
Iliked the light reflections and the wooden pier
Samsung mobile + LR
Nice reflections. The ink deep blacks and movement makes me think of classic illustrations by Will Eisner.
Meet C. an old friend who is living with his (beautiful) family in a boat, travelling around the world. They made an stop here in La Línea for a few days. This is the moment he came to pick me up at the docks for an evening in the harbour catching up and watching the sun go down.
D2X, 35mm 1.8dx
Meet C. an old friend who is living with his (beautiful) family in a boat, travelling around the world. They made an stop here in La Línea for a few days. This is the moment he came to pick me up at the docks for an evening in the harbourg catching up and watching the sun go down.
D2X, 35mm 1.8dx
Nice portrait !
Protected by love.
Z9, 24-70 2.8vr
Truly lovely image Paco.
BMX start at bicycle event for kids.
Z6 + 24-200mm
( ( ( by Luc de Schepper (, on Flickr
Nice portrait !
Thank you Armando. The D2X still rocks!
Truly lovely image Paco.
Thank you Luc. We spend some time the night before decorating that helmet and she was explaining to me how to properly skate and brake :)
Good morning!
That's the spirit
Zf - Voigtländer 35mm f/2
Airport Blues II.
BSOD (for the non-initiated: Blue Screen of Death)
My mother's godson is 197cms tall and I only carry today the 58mm in dx crop. Sorry ;D
D2X, 58mm 1.4g
Selfie !
That's the spirit
Fons, Fons, Fons!
The figure has presence, enhanced by the vignette. Using its arm to frame the bicycles in the background is a nice touch and good attention to detail.
Thank you very much Ian!
Nice one, Ian. This blue is a particularly pleasant hue on the computer display!
Nice one, Ian. This blue is a particularly pleasant hue on the computer display!
Thanks Keith :)
Image shot at exhibition Sleep!
Z6 + 24-70mm f4
( ( ( by Luc de Schepper (, on Flickr
Went to Kyoto yesterday. The Zen garden of Ryoan-ji temple.
did you meet my old self from exactly 25 years ago ?
A collection of heads
Zf - Voigtländer 35mm f/2
did you meet my old self from exactly 25 years ago ?
Originally, Ryoan-ji was not part of the plan of my visit to Kyoto this time. Now I realize that I was guided by your old self.
I am enjoying your images Fons of carved trees and wood slabs.
But do be careful - people might see you as a head hunter... LOL ;D
A collection of heads
Zf - Voigtländer 35mm f/2
I am enjoying your images Fons of carved trees and wood slabs.
But do be careful -
might see you as a head hunter... LOL ;D
Thank you Hugh, thanks for the advice, i'll be cautious.
These warm summer nights
iPhone 12Pro
Walking with my son
X-t3 18-55 zoom
Walking with my son
X-t3 18-55 zoom
A charming photograph.
Safely in a tree, this squirrel watched me curiously.
Nikon Zf, 200-500mm f/5.6E.
Walking with my son
X-t3 18-55 zoom
Priceless to have a good relation with your son!
This has become a thing of tradition,..
Zf - Z40mm f/2
This has become a thing of tradition,..
Zf - Z40mm f/2
Occasionally, we see it here too.. But not (yet) a tradition. I am not waiting for it...
nikon d5500 ir-converted, 10-20mm af-p
nikon d5500 ir-converted, 10-20mm af-p
Saint-Valery-sur-Somme is a beautiful medieval town!
Priceless to have a good relation with your son!
A charming photograph.
Thank you Ian and Fons
nikon d5500 ir-converted, 10-20mm af-p
Beautiful image
Walking around La Línea. People´s work keeps adding every year to give shadows in the summer.
D2X, 58mm .14G
The food on the handrails in the park was intended for the likes of this Common Grackle (Quiscalus quiscula). These birds prefer their food on the ground to in a feeder.
Nikon Zf, AF-S 200-500m f/5.6E. (I am starting to understand why DX is popular when photographing birds.)
Beautiful Ian. The lines and background creates a dynamic space and ambiance that works to present the subject.
Meeting in a studio
Zf - CV35mm f/2
Beautiful Ian.
Thank you, Paco.
August 31
A rare occassion to have a swallowtail, Papilio machaon,
in the garden. The last time i have seen one here must be more than 10 years ago,
i think.
Df - Voigtländer 125mm f/2.5
Was lying around fortunately.
August 31
A rare occassion to have a swallowtail, Papilio machaon,
in the garden. The last time i have seen one here must be more than 10 years ago,
i think.
Df - Voigtländer 125mm f/2.5
Was lying around fortunately.
Thank you Armando.